Page 42 - PROTAGONIST 117
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                         t  is acknowledged that people who choose             mance. Moreover,” he adds, “it is fearsly independent in
                         Pershing are espousing a specific seafaring phi-      design with its noticeable aft arches and sleek contempo-
                         losophy. They are opting for a dynamic experience     rary lines. The latter give the boat a look of speed and fi-
                         thanks to the performance and thrills that Pershing   ness. You are drawn to the physical appearance. It is an at-
                  I models offer in tandem with style and comfort. We          tention seeking boat most often picked out in a crowded
                  met the owner of a Pershing vessel and asked him how life    marina.” It would seem that between him and his boat it
                  at sea looks like on board. “It is wonderful, indeed,” he    was love at first sight, the decision was ripe just after brows-
                  told us. “We enjoy entertaining our family and friends so    ing a web search engine: “When entering the market four
                  this past summer we cruised Croatia, Montenegro, Greek       years ago a quick Google search of luxury sport yachts lead
                  Islands and West Coast of Italy in four separate trips allow-  me to quickly conclude Pershing is the only choice when
                  ing us to see parts of the world we had never experienced    seeking style and performance in one package.” This pref-
                  by sea. The comfort available in our 9X allowed us to ef-    erence did not really come out of the blue, though: as a
                  fortlessly enjoy two week cruises as though they were week-  matter of fact our 9X captain previously owned a Pershing
                  end outings. The speed available let us maximize our time    70: “We enjoyed her for 3 years but wanted a larger vessel
                  at the choosen port of call yet still capturing the beauty of   with an additional cabin as we have no shortage of willing
                  the open seas.” It is not only a matter of speed and practi-  guests to travel with our family.” The new boat entirely ful-
                  cality, though, as our owner has a more demanding taste,     filled this purpose, proving herself perfectly fit for both
                  with a soft spot for fine automobiles: “Pershing is an ex-   short and long-term holidays and as an eye-catcher as well:
                  tension of my passion for beautifully crafted mechanical     “While in Europe this summer,” he tells us, “we used the
                  works of art,” he confirms, “I frequently compare my 9X      boat for two week periods moving to a new port each day
                  to my Lamborghini Aventador, a supercar which stands         so we could cover as much territory as possible. Effortless
                  alone with its grace and elegance yet impressive perfor-     with a 31 knots cruising speed. In the winter time, the boat

                  The owner of the 9X has sailed the length and breadth of the Mediterranean in his yacht: “We try to take advantage of everything
                  offered by the ports we call into,” he explains. “We enjoy taking our time over visiting local beauty spots, historical
                  sites, going on wine tours and tasting local dishes.” And the yacht has everything needed to ensure that sailing time is relaxing.

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