Page 77 - PROTAGONIST 117
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                                      TO BE EATEN

                              WITH THE EYES

                              Gastronomic culture and neuroscience; that is, how and why

                                      we like food. From CAT scans to eye tracking, here

                            are the new ‘ingredients’ that can exalt the cuisine of the chefs

                                                                      BY  MATTIA SCHIEPPATI
                                                                 PHOTOS BY ALFONSO CATALANO

                           ranted, it is not a word that entices you, it doesn’t   erates on neurons and synapses, on the activation points of the
                           smack of the convivial, or invite you to take your     cerebral cortex and the sub-cortex. In practice, that which the
                     Gseat and enjoy the pleasure of a well-laid table.           brain ‘senses’, often unbeknownst to us, when we approach the
                     However, it is only if we delve into that word, and we reveal some   creation of a great chef, a glass of wine, or even, much more sim-
                     of its more hidden paths between science and experience, that   ply, a packet of crisps or a yogurt. This is where gastrophysics
                     it becomes possible to fully understand what the pleasures of   comes into the picture. It tries to explain to us what a dish ‘tells’
                     the table truly mean. The word in question is gastrophysics: it   our neurons. And then, a millionth of a second after the electri-
                     is not an out-patient examination for someone suffering from   cal impulse has departed, our brain sends back its ‘impression’
                     heartburn; rather, it is the label of a new scientific frontier that   to us. “The first step is distinguishing between sensation and per-
                     is opening hitherto unseen perspectives on the world of food,   ception,” explains Vincenzo Russo, Professor of Consumer Psy-
                     wine, and more in general, on everything related to human nu-  chology and Neuromarketing and a coordinator of the Research
                     trition. It is actually a science, based on neuronal detection tools   Centre of neuromarketing behaviour and brain lab in IULM Uni-
                     such as CAT and magnetic resonance, but also on the most ad-  versity in Milan, “the element that we ‘read’ and which we base
                     vanced technologies such as eye tracking, which studies the re-  our judgements on is perception; that is, a reconstruction made
                     lationship between flavours and aspects external to taste. That   by our brains of what we have “sensed” through our senses. Our
                     is, the effects that ‘sitting at the table’ with all its facets (sight,   brains actually attempt to identify and arrange “consistencies” be-
                     touch, hearing, smell and then, but only at the end, taste) gen-  tween our senses. They try to make sense of our senses, in short.”

                     On the left, a Cannolo of prawns, basil, cherry tomato confit and powdered capers according to chef Luisa Valazza of the Italian restaurant Al Sorriso in
                     Soriso (Novara). Above, the opera-recipe from chef Igles Corelli of Atman in Pescia (Pistoia): eels in movement in the park of the Delta
                     of the River Po. “I interpreted the ingredients as colours and lines, to bring out the inner nuances of the material that makes up the food,” says Catalano.

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