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                       CHINA MEETS MONACO

                                    The Riva Tunnel becomes a hub for the meeting

                                            of two worlds for a very special evening

                              he French Riviera was the most emblematic        na earlier this year. As Catherine Fautrier, Ambassador of Mo-
                              Dolce Vita location and the place where Mo-      naco to China, said, relations between China and Monaco are
                              naco Boat Service was founded in 1959 along      now very strong in many fields, and show that the difference
                              with its famous tunnel that took over two years to   in the size of the countries is no impediment to their collabo-
                  T dig out of the rock under magnificent Grimaldi             ration. Many partnerships have been created, such as the re-
                  Palace, and could accommodate about 100 Riva boats. Amongst   lations enjoyed by the Principality and Hantang Culture for
                  those, the legendary Aquarama designed by Carlo Riva himself.  several years as regards communications - Hantang Culture
                  On September 27th, the Riva Tunnel was chosen as the venue for   provides coverage of events, like the Monaco Yacht Show
                  the 6th “China Night”, held during the 28th Monaco Yacht show.  and the Rose Ball, for Chinese audiences and also has exclu-
                  President XU and representatives of Weichai Group were       sive media coverage in China for the Grimaldi Forum Exhi-
                  among the most important  guests attending the evening. The   bition on the Princes and Princesses of Monaco. China Night
                  6th China Night marked a turning point in the relations be-  2018 played a central role for similar exchange, as all the
                  tween China and the Principality, coming after the State Vis-  representatives involved came to greet the Chinese guests
                  it by H.S.H. Prince Albert II to the People’s Republic of Chi-  who travelled to the Principality for the Monaco Yacht Show.

                  On September 27th, the Riva Tunnel became the venue for the 6th “China Night”. Among the most important guests, President XU
                  and representatives of Weichai Group. The 6th China Night marked a turning point in the relations between
                  China and the Principality, coming after the State Visit by H.S.H. Prince Albert II to the People’s Republic of China earlier this year.

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