Page 27 - PROTAGONIST-131
P. 27

On the right, Albert Ormerod, the Principal Scientific Officer at the
            Royal Aircraft Establishment (RAE) in Bedford, UK, showing wing
            designs for the Concorde supersonic airliner during an Open Day at
            the site, May 1964. ©Evening Standard/Hulton Archive/Getty Images







                The first official flights began six years  crew of pilot, co–pilot and flight engineer,  aircraft to rapid decline. On this date,
            later, in 1976, with the London–Bahrain and  who had to deal with the operation of the  during the direct flight from Paris to New
            Paris–Rio de Janeiro routes, but the London–  four Rolls–Royce/Snecma Olympus 593  York, 133 seconds after take–off and  only
            New York and Paris–New York routes were  engines,  which were overstressed  by  the  9.5 km from Charles De Gaulle airport, the
            also made available later.             supersonic  speed. The  service,  however,  Concorde F–BTSC crashed into a hotel. All
                The initial budget for its construction  was of the highest standard, and passengers  100 passengers, nine crew members (three
            was around 6 million pounds (back in the  were spoiled with caviar and champagne.  pilots and six flight attendants) and four
            1960s), but soon the prediction was updated   Fuel consumption was also very high:  people in the hotel died, while six other
            into  the  record  figure  of  23  million  pounds.  17 litres per passenger per 100 km, while  people on the ground were injured.
            This exorbitant cost caused orders to be  today – for comparison – the A380, the   This accident was the beginning of
            scaled back, leading to the cancellation of 480  largest  passenger  aircraft at  the  moment,  the end of Concorde, although it was not
            planned aircrafts in favour of only 20 aircrafts. consumes three litres of fuel per 100 km  the only cause of its exit from the scene:
                It was not a plane for everyone – flying  flight per passenger.           also contributing to its demise were the
            in Concorde was very expensive – nor was   Flying Concorde was a privilege  excessively high maintenance costs (for
            it particularly comfortable (but for a three– that only businesspeople, show business  every hour of flight time, Concorde needed
            and–a–half hour flight, it was all in all  personalities and prominent politicians  20 hours of maintenance, compared to two
            acceptable) due to the cramped dimensions  could afford. However, on 25 July 2000,  hours for a normal airliner) and excessive
            of the cockpit and the deafening noise:  something happened that changed its  fuel consumption. This lead to Concorde
            it  could  carry  a  hundred  people  plus  the  history forever, leading this sophisticated  shutting down its engines – literally – in 2003.

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