Page 50 - PROTAGONIST-131
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The future is already here, and it    Ferretti Yachts INFYNITO 90 intro- and innovative layout. Indeed, the bow is
      goes by Ferretti Yachts INFYNITO 90.  duces F.S.E.A. technology to the indus- home to the centerpiece of INFYNITO
      It is the maxi flybridge, with high innova- try (Ferretti Sustainable Enhanced Ar- 90 and the entire range’s innovation:
      tion content, designed to experience the  chitecture), a package of solutions fully  the unprecedented All–Season Terrace.
      sea in a sustainable way and offer a fully  respectful of the environment. Among  A terrace covered by the extension of
      customisable sailing experience.      the most significant of these is an inte- the superstructure, protecting from all
          The concept “Further than you can  grated system that combines solar en- weather conditions and allowing for total
      Sea” perfectly encapsulates its key fea- ergy stored by photovoltaic panels on  privacy. A private and comfortable area
      tures: environment mindfulness, exten- the superstructure with an Energy Bank,  at the bow, configurable to the owner’s
      sive customisation choices, unprece- consisting of lithium batteries, allowing  preference. In addition, for the first time
      dented layout innovation, and seamless  up to eight hours of autonomy at anchor  on a Ferretti Yachts model, a sky lounge
      integration of interior and exterior.   in zero emission and zero noise mode.  – completely surrounded by windows
          Presented at the last Cannes  Important attention to eco–friendly  – directly overlooks the cockpit on the
      Yachting Festival, it is inspired by explor- materials, such as natural and bamboo  upper deck.
      er vessels; boats designed to travel long  fiber fabrics, has been given; reclaimed   The fast displacement hull has been
      distances in total comfort.           leather and recyclable materials; en- conceived and designed to combine the
          It has an overall length of 26.97 me- vironmentally friendly water–based  best of two worlds: performance of a
      ters (88ft 6in) and a maximum beam of  paints; and FSC 5–certified laminated  semi–planing boat at speeds in excess
      7.33 meters (24ft 1in).               teak used for exteriors.               of 20 knots and unparalleled efficiency
          It is the result of collaboration be-  In INFYNITO 90 outdoor and indoor  in economic cruising mode at 10 knots,
      tween the Strategic Product Commit- environments blend together for the first  where in both cases cruising comfort is
      tee, chaired by Mr Piero Ferrari, and the  time in a continuum that is unparalleled,  of the highest level. Thanks to the hull’s
      Ferretti  Group’s  Engineering  Depart- creating large and customisable spaces:  unique design, at the economic cruis-
      ment. Its exterior is designed by archi- indeed, the owner may choose from a  ing speed of 10 knots the range extends
      tect Filippo Salvetti and its interior by  vast variety of layout combinations. Com- to 1400 nautical miles, reaching its
      design studio IdeaeItalia.            plementing this new proposal is a unique  maximum efficiency.

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