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                                                 The ones that occur naturally
                                             from Canada all the way down the
                                             East coast and across the Gulf.
                                             Think Bluepoints, Wellfleets,
                                             Malpeques, Beausolais. Native
                                             to North America.


                                                                                        This oyster used to be lumped in
                                                                                    with Pacifics, but it was discovered
                                                                                    that they are their own species.
                                                                                    Introduced from Japan in 1947.


                           The only oyster species native to
                     the Pacific Northwest. Almost wiped out
                     during the Gold Rush in San Francisco.


                                                                                    Named after the river in France
                                                                                that was famous for them and also
                                                                                called European flats.


                                                  Most farm–raised oysters in the
                                              Pacific Northwest are Pacific oysters.
                                              They’re Native to Pacific coast of Asia
                                              and were introduced to the US from Asia
                                              in the early 1900s.

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