Page 31 - PROTAGONIST 132
P. 31

On the right, Fernando Botero in his studio in Pietra Santa, Italy, 1995.
            ©Catherine Panchout/Corbis/Getty Images

                “They say that those who are liked  case. These overflowing shapes are a  ishment that is not of this Earth, but is
            by too many do not do good things, but  tribute to desire. There is brazen atti- that of tales, of stories passed down,
            I have never tried to conform, I have  tude in all this abundance and we are   of traditions.
            my own very precise vision... I have  infected by it.                             Although in the artworks of his early
            believed in my message and, even           It doesn’t matter whether it’s in  maturity, the tacit comedy of certain
            more, in my vision.” (Fernando Botero in  the voluptuous dancer engaged in a  figures is accompanied by a hint of
            an interview with Roberta Scorranese  performance in the mirror, one leg  social criticism, intuitable perhaps only
            in Corriere della Sera on May 6, 2017)  raised and the other balancing on the  in the watermark, the magical harmony
                                                   tip of her toe, or whether the same  that  envelops them and  bewitches us
                “Too many people like it,” too many  Junoesque woman dances swirling  is not cracked.
            people like Botero. So I wonder: is desire  with her mustachioed lover. It doesn’t   Yes, too many people like it, and it
            a sin? A temptation? Even a demonic  matter whether it is a fat  mandolin,  is great that way, because those who
            exhibition? No! Not at all! On the  satisfied that he has just played his   want control to win over imagination
            contrary, it is a celebration of Creation,  most  beautiful  song,  or  the  laid  table  will never be right; those who want
            of beauty, of wonder. “Too many people  where, under the enamored gaze of  beauty and art to respond to a
            like it”... is stated, incomprehensibly, as  his wife indulging in a cigarette, the   predefined formula cannot win. “We
            if it were an obstacle to be removed,  husband grazed by the picnic falls  are such stuff as dreams are made
            a problem to be solved. But if there is  asleep. I say it doesn’t matter be- on” wrote Shakespeare, and Botero’s
            a provocation, it will not be found with  cause everything tells us, however, of a   characters dream a great deal and
            this indication. The scandal is that  fantastic world; a universe in which to  do it so much that they swell up like
            beauty never leaves us as it found us:  inhabit is a game we long to join. The   the beautiful balloons of the sweetest
            it changes us, transforms us, more  gazes of the characters seem to invite  parties; colorful and round they expand
            than anything else it confronts us with  us with them, incredulous not to see us  without ever bursting, exaggerated and
            something to be measured against.      there yet, surprised to observe us hes- full of all the desire we are barely able
                For Fernando Botero – a Colom- itantly crossing the threshold between  to glimpse.
            bian artist who died last year at the  our reality and the one invented for us    Botero pleases like a good flavor,
            age of 91 – this measure becomes  by Botero.                                  like  a  caress, like the starry sky, like
            boundless: full, round and welcom-         The subjects depicted are simul- the sun dipping into the sea, like the
            ing. Sometimes maternal, sometimes  taneously placid and dynamic, their  things that have always been there.
            seductive, it may appear soft to us or  vision calming and spurring us on.   Too many like it?
            it may appear turgid, sensual in any  The artist imbues his world with a nour-    Soon everyone will.

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