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Reid Wiseman, commander. Victor Glover, pilot. Christina  module provided by the European Space Agency in preparation
            Hammock Koch and Jeremy Hansen, mission specialists.  for the lunar landing scheduled for 2025–2026 with the Artemis
            These are the four astronauts who will board the first manned  III mission.
            mission of the Artemis lunar program, carried out by NASA     The return to the Moon also finally has the face of a woman:
            in collaboration with private companies and the European,  that of American astronaut Christina Hammock Koch, on board
            Japanese and Canadian space agencies. Goal: to fly all the way to  in the role of mission specialist. In 2019, he tackled a mission to
            the hidden face of the Moon by pushing farther from Earth than  the International Space Station, setting a record stay (328 days).
            any human has ever done.                                      Spirits, hippogriffs, hot air balloons, dew water: this is
                “The Artemis II crew represents thousands of people  not the way one can hope to get to space. You need engineers,
            working tirelessly to bring us to the stars. This is their crew, this  scientists, and you need some reckless Sapiens ready to squeeze
            is our crew, this is humanity’s crew”, said NASA’s number one  into a spacecraft to be shot at the moon.
            Bill Nelson, stressing how Artemis II “will bring not only them,   There is no such gargantuan cannon as imagined by Georges
            but also the hope of millions of people around the world.” After  Méliès, Jules Verne, and H.G. Wells, but the giant Space Launch
            the success of Artemis I at the end of 2022, we are now ready to  System rocket. By November 2024 it may already be on the
            test the reliability and safety of the Orion shuttle with the service  launch pad. And away. To the Moon.

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