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The interior has been  designed to  offer a sustainable travel

      experience: from layered teak to ecological paints, from

      regenerated leather to recyclable materials.

          If they tell you that you can’t have  designed to offer sea lovers a new,  by an extension of the superstructure
      it all, don’t believe them. If they tell you  fulfilling experience characterized by  for protection in all weather conditions
      that you can’t combine a green spirit  highly customizable spaces where  and total privacy. The INFYNITO 80
      with sailing pleasure, covered surfaces  interiors and exteriors merge.      measures 13 m² and can be configured
      and contact with sun and sea, elegance    INFYNITO     80    also  features as a dinette, with seating and extendable
      and style with environmentally friendly  F.S.E.A. (Ferretti Sustainable Enhanced  table, or as a bar counter.
      materials, tell them about INFYNITO 80. Architecture)  technology, a package     The upper deck, closed on the
          Presented at Boot Düsseldorf,  of environmentally friendly solutions.  INFYNITO 90, is replaced on the
      it joins INFYNITO 90, the brand’s  These include an integrated system that  INFYNITO 80 by a totally open sundeck
      great success story that features  combines the solar  energy generated  in the standard version and semi-
      the range’s typical characteristics: a  by the photovoltaic panels on the  closed with glass panels in the optional
      sustainable approach, an extension of  hard-top and stored in an Energy Bank  version. The hard top provides shade to
      covered  outdoor  areas and continuity  consisting of 14 high-density lithium  the entire dining area and the foredeck.
      between the interior and exterior, a  batteries that allow greater energy  The  part  of  the  upper  deck  towards
      high-efficiency  hull,  sophisticated production while ensuring lightness in  the stern is dedicated to sunbathing
      technology and lightweight materials.  terms of weight. The battery pack is  and free-standing furnishings, not to
          Built at the Marina di Ravenna  located in the engine room in watertight  mention an outdoor kitchen.
      shipyard, Ferretti Yachts INFYNITO 80  steel boxes, equipped with sensors        The iconic moods of Ferretti
      is the result of a collaboration between  that  also  monitor  the  temperature.  Yachts are also present: Classic, which
      the Product Strategy Committee, led by  Special attention was also paid to the  recalls the elements of the earth, and
      the engineer Piero Ferrari and Ferretti  use of green materials, such as natural  Contemporary, inspired by the colors
      Group’s   Engineering   Department. and bamboo fiber fabrics, regenerated  of the sea, with luminous essences and
      The hull’s exterior was designed by  leather and recyclable materials,  fabrics in fresh shades. Both create a
      the architect Filippo Salvetti, and the  ecological water-based paints and FSC  refined aesthetic and a management
      interior by the Ideaeitalia design studio.  5-certified layered teak, used for all  of spaces that is always functional and
          With an overall length of 23.70  exterior parts.                         efficient, designed for an owner who
      meters  (77ft 9in)  and  a  maximum       A  distinctive,  iconic  feature  of  the  increasingly sees the yacht as a new
      beam of 6.36 meters (20ft 10in), it was  range is the All Season Terrace, covered  place to live, an extension of the home.

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