Page 128 - PROTAGONIST-133
P. 128

01. Skateboard in vosges maple wood, printed with the savana dance design. 02. Farming bag reinvented
      as a pineapple in lime goatskin, gold barénia calfskin, and vert vertigo swift calfskin. 03. Alpine skis,
      ash-wood core with sycamore veneer printed with the cheval punk design. 04. Jukebox, wooden structure
      sheathed in swift calfskin, leather marquetry based on the perspective cavalière design, and colored
      glass base. All images ©Hermès

          In a hypothetical search for the  of Hermès’ precision craftsmanship, takes   Instead, tailored can mean exactly that.
      trendiest terms in the language of luxury,  its ogival shape from a pineapple, dressed  It can refer to unusual lines and exaggerated
      ‘tailored’ unquestionably  takes  the  top  in deep leather that embraces lime chèvre  colors, which translate into a retro-
      ten, perhaps the top five. It is a chorus that  leather to simulate the pulp, and plays with  futuristic jukebox, mounted on a delicately
      glides through seams, prints, and weaves  the green vertigo tuft of a sculpted crest.  crafted yellow glass pedestal, with curves
      of  fabrics,  and  which  emphasizes,  in  the  They are unique, potentially repeatable,  dressed in blue calfskin like the distant sea,
      ready-to-wear era, the absolute importance  although so specifically designed for and  designed to showcase the beauty of a
      of the search for the utmost perfection for  on a particular person that there is no risk  traditional hi-fi system for audiophiles,
      the individual. Tailor made, indeed.  of it being copied. Because the concept of  intended for private and exquisite music
          The distance between the dream and  tailoring teaches precisely this: the ability  listening.
      it actually coming true – by artisans who  to reproduce something is simply the   At the same time, it can transcend
      channel an idea into a practical, material  potential starting point of a great idea.   from high-tech, shaping a pair of skis from
      act – changes along the evolutionary      Desire can originate from various  ash wood and painting them with thoughts
      process of desire; a work of slow maturation  sources, whether it is a variation, a deviation  we had not had the courage to express.
      for the design of a garment, a skateboard,  from the norm, something completely   It can be that marvelous game of
      or an element of home design.         opposite, or anything else. The traditional  opening a new car for the first time, and
          Or simply, a bag that can keep all  mirrorball from the 1970s nightclub scene  breathing in the sensual scent of the
      one’s needs in one fell swoop. Double coup  is combined with the delicate elegance  softest leather before gliding over it with
      de génie: on the one hand the impalpable  of crystal, resulting in a dazzling array  the confident grace of a star, or diva, from
      matter of “I wish”, on the other, the  of reflections, and is both resilient and  the  1950s,  transcending  the  chronology
      concrete reality of exceptional materials  dreamlike, like its infinite beauty. Choosing  of time.
      of the highest quality, which make a sketch  the power of tailor-made means immersing   The tailoring of objects plays with
      on paper palpable. As if the raw materials  oneself in an intimate, personal imagery  all five senses, because it draws precious
      woke up from a deep sleep, on a dark night,  that does not need artificial intelligence to  materials from the most remote corners
      bending and modelling themselves on the  become material.                    of the world, finds color combinations
      wave of a very personal vision of the object.   The creativity of the artisans at  on palettes never thought of, restores the
          They are tailor-made objects for  Hermès  does  not  work  with algorithms  tactile taste of touching and breathing
      which Hermès works precisely on the  programmed on similarity and the  them, and finally mixes them in an infinite
      immaterial substance of the most singular  reduction of the Aristotelian syllogism “if  synesthesia for endless sensory pleasure.
      dreams, transforming them from probable  you like this, then you might like that,”  Created especially for us, and only for
      to  true,  in  a  poetic  inventory  of  the  most  but rather with  the phenomenal ability to  us, in an exclusiveness that draws the
      amusing desires rooted in the refined care  cover a wide range without limitations,  boundaries of our most voluptuous wills,
      of the French house’s artisans. Thus an  combining distant  elements  that  no nerd  within a universe where everything is
      extraordinary handbag, a direct descendant  could think of putting together.   permitted. And it finally becomes real.

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