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at Camp Nou on May 24, 1989 in Barcelona, Spain.  AC Milan players celebrate the victory of the European Cup   ©Alessandro Sabattini/Getty Images

          There are coaches who are born with an innate sense of  a coach and as a player. All this while always putting practical
      truth, who build philosophies, who establish messianic cults,  sense before theoretical arguments, people before blackboards,
      who, despite having stopped performing miracles decades ago –  dialogue before the exercise of power. In this sense, even on
      if they ever did – always find a pulpit from which to pontificate.  the rare occasions when he “failed” (if one can speak in these
      And then there are coaches who study, who listen, who observe,  terms of the two unfortunate second places with Juventus or
      who constantly renegotiate their ideas by adapting them to the  the chiaroscuro adventure at Napoli) he left excellent memories,
      context, and who perform miracles almost every day without  especially in the players. Everyone who had anything to do with
      ever giving up their low profile.                         him learned something. He learned something from everyone.
          It is useless, and perhaps inelegant, to list the prophets –  Even from those he did not coach. “Once,” he recounted some
      true and false – to whom we have, at different times, directed  time ago, “acquiring Baggio for Parma was a possibility, but I
      our  devotion  and  our  expectations  of  Truth.  It  is,  however,  advised against it because he didn’t fit my 4-4-2. If I had a time
      right and necessary to celebrate the man who has elevated the  machine, I would go back and get Baggio. I was wrong to be so
      craft of coaching to its highest level of practical refinement. We  stubborn, with time I learned that a solution to make so many
      are talking about Carlo Ancelotti, 65 years old from Reggiolo  great players coexist can always be found in the end.”
      (RE), the most international, cosmopolitan, appreciated and,   His secret? Being close to the players, listening to them,
      above all, successful Italian coach ever: the only man to have  understanding them. Communicating, in short: “I may have my
      won the five main European championships (Serie A, Premier  own idea of the game,” Carlo likes to explain, “but they are the
      League, Ligue 1, Bundesliga, Liga) at least once, a total of five  ones who play it. You have to be able to communicate, to be open,
      Champions Leagues (with two different teams), at least two as  flexible, not rigid.

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