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The main deck lobby features stitched leather on the walls and

                 the three decks architectural staircase with custom leather handrail that connects

                The feeling of wonder begins  accommodate 12 guests, including  in their assembly, while maintaining an
            when you step aboard and realize  two pullman beds, in five guest cabins  extremely staid color palette.
            that Custom Line Navetta 38 is a  distributed as follows: a primary suite         One of the design’s distinguishing
            journey within a journey, an interplay  on the main deck and four guest cabins  features  is  the  three-dimensional
            of equilibria amongst ever-different  on the lower deck.                      oak plank deckhead, carved from
            spaces and intriguing rooms, modelled      The interiors were designed with  a 3D “thousand-stripe” structure,
            on art and the pleasure of experiencing  the aim of maximizing the use of space,  which lends a touch of sophisticated
            harmonious atmospheres.                to optimize the yacht’s volumes and  originality. This particular solution
                The  Navetta  line’s  new  made-to- enhance the functional value of the  represents the essence of the hull and
            measure yacht is a masterpiece of  entire surface area available.             harmonises perfectly with the oak or
            elegance and design, a unique living       The exceptional use of glass  teak floor, embellished with contrasting
            experience with vast outdoor spaces  ensures bright, airy interiors that  inserts, such as the dark pencil strips,
            and bright, airy interiors, completely  maximize natural light, especially in  which are used throughout the boat to
            open to the sea.                       the main living room and the upper  contrast the walls distinguished by full-
                With an exterior design once  deck living room, the latter of which  height windows that amplify the natural
            again by the architect Filippo Salvetti  can be fully opened, with floor-to- light in the rooms.
            and  interior  design  by  the  firm  ACPV  ceiling windows, creating a constant   The transition of materials between
            ARCHITECTS Antonio Citterio Patricia  link between the outdoor and indoor  ceilings, walls and floors is also evident
            Viel, Custom Line Navetta 38 conveys  spaces, in pleasant harmony with the  in the finish of the rounded-edged
            values of high quality, spaciousness and  marine environment.                 doors in natural oak, the signature
            absolute comfort, which have always        The palette connecting the entire  detail of this new project. The same
            been part of the brand’s sartorial DNA.  project is a broad range of neutral  workmanship  is  found  in  the  yacht’s
            The team in charge of ship order, which  colors such as beige and ivory, enriched  glazing and interior. Attention to detail
            also includes the Custom Line Atelier,  by natural, unfinished materials like  helps to create a soft, unique ambiance
            played  a  strategic  role  in  bringing  the  teak, oak and leather, not to mention  in a very bright space, infusing warmth
            owner’s vision to life.                linen and parchment.                   and lightness into the rooms.
                The layout of the Custom Line          The textile component makes            The Custom Line Navetta 38 will
            Navetta 38 is spread over three  extensive  use  of  raffia  and  ivory- be officially unveiled in September
            decks characterized by comfortable,  coloured      wallpaper   by   Philippe at the Cannes Yachting Festival and
            highly social spaces, with a total area  Jeffries.  These  tactile  materials  are  will then be on display at the Monaco
            of almost 465 square meters. It can  characterized by refined workmanship  Yacht Show.

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