Page 73 - PROTAGONIST-133
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Jannik Sinner poses with the Norman Brookes Challenge Cup after
            winning the 2024 Australian Open Final in Melbourne, Australia.
            ©Kelly Defina/Getty Images

                When Jannik Sinner was winning his first tournaments,  a tennis player here there is everything one needs: serenity,
            and he was just a young boy, he would call his parents on  courts that are always available, colleagues to train with.”
            the phone, who were working as a cook and waitress in a  It is work, as always, “and then for me happiness is not
            South Tyrolean farmhouse: “Hi Mom, I made it today.” His  success, but being with my family and friends.”
            parents’ response was always more or less this: “Yes, all     Then  again, the  results  speak  for him:  Sinner  began
            right, good, but don’t call me while I’m working.” This was  playing tennis at the age of seven, alternating it with downhill
            certainly not meant with malice, “because this is how my  skiing. Then, at age 13, the choice: “In snow races you are
            parents made me understand the value of sacrifice early  alone with yourself and in a few seconds you can throw
            on.” So, the lesson that comes from the world’s number one  everything away. I love to compare myself with someone:
            tennis player is that there is nothing more extraordinary  that’s why I chose tennis rackets.”
            than being normal. It is a life lesson, that of Hanspeter and   The results came soon, and at barely 18, Jannik won the
            Siglinde’s to their son, but also a lesson for us all.    Next Gen ATP Finals in Milan, which is basically the trophy
                From  that  little  patch  of  Italy  unlike  any  other,  San  for the best under-23s on the circuit. From there it’s all
            Candido (south of the Dolomites), with that mix of pride and  ‘downhill’, or rather uphill, with records of precocity adding
            education, it could only be this quiet, red-haired little boy who  up one to the other: he debuts in Grand Slam tournaments,
            could stand out in these noisy and somewhat tawdry times,  reaches the quarter-finals of Roland Garros at the age of
            to show that one can be – indeed – normal, yet incredibly  19, wins his first ATP tournament in Melbourne and then
            exceptional. Jannik left home when he was not even a  also his first Masters 1000. In 2019, Lavazza was one of
            teenager to move to another world, from Sesto Pusterla to  the first brands to believe in him and still accompanies
            Riccardo Piatti’s academy in Bordighera, Liguria, and then  the now world-famous champion today, strengthening the
            settled down in Monte Carlo. Not because, even now, there  perfect match with the world of tennis born for the brand in
            is wealth to throw in other people’s faces, “but because for  Wimbledon in 2011.

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