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Anya Taylor-Joy attends the Christian Dior Haute Couture Spring/Summer
            show as part of Paris Fashion Week 2024 in Paris, France.
            ©Stephane Cardinale/Corbis/Getty Images

                As is often the case, at the origin of it all is A24, the  that Anya Taylor-Joy naturally exudes, and cast her in the
            coolest American production and distribution company of  role of the not-so-victim in his film Split, where she put up a
            recent years, named after an Italian motorway because that  strong fight against the schizophrenic psychopath played
            was where its two founders were driving when they decided  by James McAvoy.
            to embark on that professional adventure. The movie they      Because this young actress is like that: her physicality
            produced was called The Witch, directed by Robert Eggers:  and her manner express a complex and very contemporary
            a terrifying horror movie, one of the most celebrated of the  coexistence of delicacy and strength, grace and
            new millennium, in which a previously unknown girl starred.  determination; her gaze is alien and fascinating, the intense
            Good, very good, with two very big eyes. Big, intense, made  brown of her eyes enhanced by the natural blonde of
            even more intriguing by the fact that they were set further  her hair.
            apart than usual. Anya Taylor-Joy suffered a little from that   All of Anya’s best performances are based on the
            physical peculiarity years ago; now she knows that it is one  electricity generated in her performance by these apparent
            of her most important assets.                             contradictions, by the sense of unpredictability that the
                She was born in Miami to an Anglo-Spanish mother  actress hides behind every gesture and every line. Among
            and an Anglo-Argentine father, and lived in Buenos Aires  these, certainly, is the role of Beth Harmon in Netflix’s
            and then in London. Anya had a background in modelling  miniseries The Queen’s Gambit, based on the novel by the
            and a couple of small roles in film and TV before becoming  same name by Walter Tevis, which earned Taylor-Joy a
            a star thanks to Eggers’ film, for which she won awards and  Golden Globe: Beth is not only a phenomenal chess genius,
            nominations for Best New Actress.                         a young woman trying to assert herself with determination
                M.  Night  Shyamalan,  one  of  the  most  acclaimed  in a ruthlessly masculine world, but also a fragile person
            contemporary filmmakers, immediately called her to work  struggling with her addictions (to drugs, alcohol and love)
            with him. He quickly grasped the strength of character  and her insecurities.

            Protagonist                                                                                     Cinema          79
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