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restaurateur Stefano Bartolini and his son Andrea, another of Chardonnay, Sauvignon and Trebbiano grapes and the latter

the excellences from Romagna for over thirty years. He won a entirely from Pignoletto, enrich the gustatory experience of the

Michelin star with La Buca restaurant in Cesenatico, applause two dishes bringing fresh savouriness with floral and delicately

and accolades with two other eateries, L’Osteria                             fruity touches. Albana di Romagna from Colle del

del Gran Fritto and Terrazza Bartolini, which are       } Nautical           Re, a white grape variety that lords over this land,
also in Romagna, close to each other. The winery        wisdom and           is expressed through nuances of apricot and pairs
also wants to reflect and represent the bountiful                            beautifully with raw scampi and cold spaghetti

and generous territory, of Emilia in this case, with flavours in             made from dough kneaded with dill. Then comes

an all-white display featuring the still and sparkling  dish and glass, all  the dish of the day, a striped seabream from the
wines of the Umberto Cesari winery. Sailing and         successfully         Upper Adriatic, wonderfully accompanied by Liano
gastronomy, then, for first-class combinations, such    made in Italy        Bianco, a blend of Chardonnay and Sauvignon
as Poverazze clams, a speciality from the Romagna                            Blanc that exalts and enhances the delicate flavour

area that bestow texture and contrast on a rich                              of the fish with lively spicy notes. A summit meeting

liquidized bean soup, or amberjack carpaccio aromatized with between the tradition and distinctive characters of a bright and

essence of artemisia gathered exclusively in Romagna; the two bustling Emilia-Romagna, pulsating through its visible standard-

Moma di Cesari, still and Spumante brut; the former made from bearers that easily cross regional and national borders.

Top, from left, view from the cockpit of the Ferretti Yachts 960 with a Moma Pignoletto Spumante brut sparkling white and, alongside, the carpaccio
teamed with the wine. Above, drinking a toast on board. Opposite, crunchy bonbons by La Buca kitchen
with Colle del Re Albana di Romagna Passito. A sweet wine with a hint of honey and vanilla and a distinct aftertaste of ripe apricot which accompanies it.

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