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C rossing the threshold of the Ferretti Yachts of local food and wine. And so we are at what we could define
in Cattolica, you understand at first glance the sea’s zero food-miles: the gangway of the Ferretti Yachts

that here art is expressed everywhere you 960 accompanies us onto a spacious and welcoming aft deck,

look: from a fibreglass keel, produced                                      researched and refined to the last detail. We fire up

                in-house in the brand-new centre of    } The flagship of    the engines and cast off from the port of Cattolica,
excellence in Forlì, to the meticulous workmanship                          a few hundred metres from the Ferretti Yachts, to
in the details of the furnishings. Materials of the the Forlì shipyard set sail and immerse ourselves in a territory that
finest quality such as the marine plywood used in was the theatre           is both terrestrial and marine at the same time,

profusion to guarantee durability under the most       of this interaction  through its most renowned and acknowledged
adverse conditions. Ferretti Yachts, among the         between man,         uniqueness. Ferretti Yachts 960 is the flagship of
world leaders in the design, construction and sale     boat and water       one of the seven brands belonging to the Ferretti
of motor yachts and pleasure craft, opens its world                         Group. Here the interaction between man, boat

and invites you to feel for yourself this all-Italian                       and sea is transformed into a cathartic moment

craftsmanship in creating vessels that are a point of reference the that refreshes the spirit. For this reason, the already extremely

world over. How? Through an experience of excellence that will respectable galley adapts itself in the best way to the context: fitted

delight the five senses, an initiative bringing together the best out for the illustrious occasion of the legendary award-winning

Top, from left, Colle del Re Albana di Romagna Passito makes for a sweet pause for reflection; Michelin-starred La Buca chef
while preparing the chilled dish of fine dill-spaghetti, raw scampi and candied ginger. Shown its definitive
version in the finished dish, ready to be savoured; above, left, tasting and follow-up with the international journalists invited.

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