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Andrea Faini and his World Capital have created a case-history in
 real-estate finance, and he is involved in ministerial avtivities for

developing economic and trade relations between Italy and China

                                                                              BY LUCA TURNER

In recent years, the italian property market has been                        have always stimulated Andrea Faini to orient himself abroad.
             conditioned by a slow-down in economic exchange                 From here came the idea of participating in MIPIM, “Le marché
             and the ensuing financial unsettlement. Banks and               international des professionnels de l’immobilier”, which is held
             real-estate companies have lost ground, mortgage interest       every year in Cannes and is one of the most important fairs in the
             rates have fallen, and property values have plummeted.          sector, worldwide. Around 20,000 visitors are received by more than
     In some cases, real-estate financial consultency firms were able        2,000 exhibitors from about 100 countries.
     to make a difference, managing to emerge only if they were able         Impressive numbers, like those that Andrea Faini is by now used
     firstly to analyse the context in which they had to operate, and        to dealing with and managing, and, more relevently, which have
     only after having managed to identify the right client-investors.       led to his becoming a councillor in the Italo-Chinese chamber of
     This is the category of brilliant, enlightened enterprises that World   commerce, a non-profit free association of companies recognised
     Capital Milan belongs to. Andrea Faini (here above, left; right, Villa  by the Italian Ministry of Productive Activities and the Chinese
     Ombrellino in Florence, the type of property Faini deals with) born     Government which is aimed at favouring the development of
     in 1973, founded it in 2006 and after 10 years of incessant hard        economic and commercial relations between the two nations. In
     work, has built it up and is enjoying its success.                      this direction, World Capital also offers its consultency services,
     Helping this consensus, which is now recognised worldwide,              through a team of professionals who, in confidentiality, propose the
     have been: the far-sightedness to create the ‘Borsino immobiliare       best solutions to their clients. With offices in key countries, Andrea
     della logistica’ analysis tool alongside his intermediation firm, the   Faini has laid the foundations for a privileged observatory able
     intelligence to target high-profile corporate clients (DHL, United      to receive updates in real time from those directly involved, with
     Colors of Benetton, Mediaworld and Sky Italia for example),             priveleged access to exclusive properties including hotels and offices
     and last but not least, the structuring of a research department        in major Italian cities like Rome, Milan, Florence and Venice. This
     dedicated to market analysis within his company, making it the          allows them stand out both for rapidity and quality of information,
     first private firm in the property sector to develop this type of       a guarantee of efficaceous marketing and efficient synergy between
     activity in-house. These are strategic and fundamental assets which     the parties with results that are guaranteed over time.

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