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} Lee Marine strikes                                  72 and 46) and 2 big Ferretti Yachts (731 and          } Three times in
Thailand Yacht Show                                   720) have been displayed in the large stand ar-        a row Best of Best
                                                      ranged by LEE Marine. On the occasion, the of-
PHUKET, THAILAND                                      ficial distributor of Ferretti Group in South East     SHANGHAI, CHINA
LEE Marine brought Ferretti Group to incredible       Asia inaugurated a brand new office showroom           China choses Ferretti Yachts all over again:
success in the most famous superyacht charter         in the very same Ao Po Grand Marina. More than         the historic brand of Ferretti Group wins for
show in East Asia: the Thailand Yacht Show, held      four days were dedicated to visits onboard and         the third time in 3 years the “Hurun Report
in the one of the world’s finest marina, the Ao Po    sea trials off the coasts of the stunning Phang        Best of Best Award” in the “Best Yacht Brand”
Grand Marina in Phuket, true mecca for charter        Nga Bay. The team of professionals of LEE Mari-        category. The Award has been the most pre-
opportunities and exposure to luxury lifestyle.       ne have been at complete disposal of the guests        stigious of the Chinese luxury industry for the
From 11 - 14 February, 3 beautiful Pershing (92,      and visitors, making the Thailand Yacht Show           last 12 years. Such a victory is a clear sign of
                                                      experience unique, comparable to the presti-           the strong leadership Ferretti Group has been
                                                      gious western shows in Cannes and Monaco.              consolidating in this market. Hundreds and
                                                                                                             hundreds of Chinese wealthiest entrepreneu-
                                                                                                             rs responded to a one-on-one survey inter-
                                                                                                             view over the past few months, electing the
                                                                                                             Group as the “Best Yacht Brand” for the third
                                                                                                             consecutive year. Moreover, the brand is the
                                                                                                             absolute winner among those UHNWI over
                                                                                                             45 years old and with assets over RMB100mil.
                                                                                                             The Awards ceremony took place on the 14th
                                                                                                             January 2016, during a gala dinner in the beau-
                                                                                                             tiful grand Ritz Carlton Shanghai Pudong. Here,
                                                                                                             Ferretti Group Asia Pacific team eagerly recei-
                                                                                                             ved the prize, acclaimed by the many important
                                                                                                             guests of the richest China attending the event.

} Art, style and yachting                             astonishing Causeway Bay. On the 7th of April, from    ingredients for this perfect cocktail reception which
                                                      7.30pm to 11.30pm Ferretti Group welcomed VIP vi-      allowed all those present (above, Stefano de Vivo
HONG KONG                                             sitors and customers for an intimate evening aboard    CCO Ferretti Group; Nicholas Frankl, CEO My Yacht
For a second consecutive year, My Yacht Group retur-  the famous flagship of the brand Ferretti Yachts, the  Group; Georg Schubiger, Head of Private Banking,
ned to Hong Kong for a private superyacht reception   960 and the widely renowned Custom Line Navet-         Bank Vontobel AG) to live the true and unforgettable
at the historic Royal Hong Kong Yacht Club in the     ta 28. Heavy canapés, fine wines, cocktails, cigar     experience of a night onboard two representatives
                                                      lounge, photobooth and djs have been the amazing       of the most luxurious yachts in the world.

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