Page 60 - PROTAGONIST 109
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} In manual, the
automatic transmission
maintains the gear
chosen without undesired
changes at the limit

Made in Italy from top to bottom, 24 hours                          Audi, BMW, Porsche and Mercedes, not to mention Jaguar
                     a day, from the vehicle’s first bolt down      and Japanese makes Lexus and Infiniti. Stories of fleets which
                     to the last pleasure the palate recalls        notch up their highest sales in the East (China is worth 26% of
                     before drifting into sleep. The aim is to      Maserati sales, with the average Quattroporte customer under
                     show foreigners (and remind locals) what we    40 years of age and 40% women), perhaps in a stretch version
are capable of. Not just where making cars is concerned, but        with a driver. To check out the manufacturing quality, we visited
also places, pieces of art, creativity, craftsmanship, innovation,  the plant where Ghibli and Quattroporte vehicles are turned
culture and hospitality. The common thread throughout is silk       outt: it feels like walking into a research laboratory with robots
(you’ll find out why later) on this Maserati Lifestyle journey, a   dancing between the frames, welding, assembly and workers
fast and comfortable trip concentrated in Piedmont, a region        (yes, there still are some left, though you can forget all about
crammed with art, culture, wine and food, history and tradition;    blue boilersuits stained with oil and grease), white walls and
a journey at the wheel of Maseratis, the Ghibli on the road and     colourful floors that channel the traffic of visitors, workers
the Gran Turismo and MC12 on the race track. Accompanied            and lift trucks, relaxation areas, meeting rooms and huge
by the dark, powerful sound of the V6 and V8 Twin turbo             information panels. In short, there is a certain coherence with
engines which are music for the ears of car enthusiasts. Stresa,    the end result which sets out to achieve a high quality (over
Orta San Giulio, then Biella, Trivero, Balocco, followed by Turin   700 checks are run before the vehicle hits the road as well as
and Grugliasco: from the low-key elegance of the Savoy lands        40 km of road tests). The Quattroporte and the Ghibli both
to the charm of the mountains and the skilled production of         have a distinctive, clearly defined personality, offering a mix of
fabrics. Then the odour of rubber and brakes make themselves        sensations. These range from the tactile experience offered by
felt on the racetrack, concluding with the superb portrayal of      the interior materials to the undisputed sporting countenance,
the art of cinema and industrial mechanics. All at the wheel of     cheered on by the wonderful sound of the engine whose double
a Maserati: the Ghibli represents the crossroads for all the plus   layout in six and eight cylinders guarantees performance
points the large Quattroporte and the sporting convertibles         that lives up to the brand’s standards, and the charm of the
and cabriolets can boast. The Levante SUV manufactured at           odd imperfection that renders them human and, as a result,
Mirafiori will send sales into overdrive, consecrating it in the    fascinating. On the road, the imposing size of the Quattroporte
Hall of Fame of premium models. The Quattroporte and the            (5.26 metres long and two tonnes in mass) obviously pays the
Ghibli tackle the German competition head on, including             price in terms of handling when compared with the Ghibli

     Top, the Quattroporte on the road leading to Oasi Zegna, a nature park with free entry which covers a surface area of 100 square kilometres,
     set in the Biella Alps. With model year 2016, improvements to the acoustic insulation have been made. The performance remains
     unchanged: from 240 km/h and 0-100 in 6.8 secondis of the Diesel to 307 per hour and 4’7’’ for going from nought to 100 km/h for the Gts.

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