Page 64 - PROTAGONIST 109
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A46 meter super yacht is the equivalent of a                      The changes are plain to see: the distinguishing golden lines
               large cathedral or a modern work of architecture:  of the yacht’s profile have been reworked, giving way to a dark
               anyone involved in building or designing it has    blue hull with a white superstructure set onto it. This colour
               to have a thorough knowledge of its whole story,   combination creates a lovely play of contrasting colours set
               about specific details and the complexity of the   against the backdrop of the sea.

job. And they need a great deal of passion too. So who better But the interiors are where the real revolution took place. Every

than CRN to take care of this restyling? Because                        area, fitting or accessory was redesigned using a

CRN stands for “Costruzioni e Riparazioni Navali”    } A colour         variety of materials: wood and the finest quality
(Boat Building and Repairs) and this specialised     combination        leather, glass with laminated copper inserts,
firm has been building 50 to 90 metre yachts for     that plays         finely worked metal and marble. Many areas
over 50 years, taking a new tack today to update     with the shades    were also totally redesigned. The owner wanted
and enhance its services. This super yacht is        of the sea         the old CRN hull to feel even more spacious and
number 118 and was first launched 10 years ago;                         open, increasing the liveability and the light in

now it has been given a new lease of life and a new                     each room. But without any sacrifice to privacy,

aesthetic. CRN made full use of the expertise of its technical guaranteed by cutting-edge screening technologies that make it

team for its first refit, supported by the skill of Nuvolari Lenard’s possible to enjoy the experience of being at sea with the added

yacht design team for the exteriors and Solido Interiors for benefit of total exclusivity. The 4 decks of this super yacht

the interiors. Simplicity, elegance and discretion described include a master suite and 5 VIP suites, accommodating up to

the look that the owner wanted in the new version of the M/Y 20 people, including guests and the crew. The large, open plan

Eight. The goal was successfully achieved, with an updated style lounge on the main deck now has even more natural light after

and modern practical features, and the feeling that the result the windows were enlarged. It is divided up into a living area

has original flair yet still preserves CRN’s traditional looks. (with 4 dark grey sofas with red inserts and a coffee table), the

     Top page, four pictures related to the main deck: the main salon with its pleasant atmosphere enhanced by the accurately
     designed lighting system. A double-face TV separates the living area from the large
     round dining table seating up to 10 people. The external view, really comfortable with four sofas and a coffee table.

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