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ideal place for relaxing and entertaining on board, whereas has a unique outdoor sky lounge with two L-shaped wraparound

the actual salon is accessed through a sliding glass door. Here, sofas making this area ideal for dining with a panoramic sea

three sofas and two coffee tables on a prime quality rug face a view. Inside the larger windows offer breathtaking views. The

78’’ two-sided drop down TV that also acts as a privacy screen, salon has a semicircular sofa set in front of a 75’’drop down

separating off the dining area with a round table seating 10. TV screen. Starboard, the bar and dumbwaiter lead to the

The master cabin at bow is almost a mini apartment, decorated control station fitted with a satellite system featuring the latest

in warm, welcoming tones, with its own work and                       electronic and navigation solutions. Behind it is

study area, bedroom and ensuite head with twin     } A dynamic        the captain’s cabin with ensuite head. The super
sinks, a shower and chromotherapy whirlpool        and harmonious     yacht is topped off with the perfect sundeck for
bath. This is where the lighting solutions are     continuity         enjoying life outdoors. In the centre, the round
at their best: the windows have electronically     between inside     glossy teak table and eight polished teak chairs
controlled privacy screens, helping to create a    and outside        help divide the space into two zones: the first at
muted and sophisticated atmosphere, to enjoy                          stern has a rectangular sun pad; the second at

in silence and total privacy. The refit continued                     bow has a hot tub and dining area with flat screen

below deck, replacing the existing gym with an extra guest TV, ice-maker, fridge and barbecue in space newly created by

cabin to supplement the existing three. The VIP cabins are as the refit. The forward structure with the navigation lights was

follows: a large full beam suite in the central area of the stern also eliminated to give way to a removable carbon fibre pole.

and a second full beam VIP suite at bow.           In the engine room, the equipment was overhauled and serviced,

The garage at stern was also enlarged, creating a generous beach the 10 year survey for the renewal of the LLOYD class was

club once the tender has been launched, with a ceiling shower included, and two new KOHLER generators were fitted on board.

with refitted grating and teak flooring whose warm colour helps The new M/Y Eight has two 3512 DITA SWAC Caterpillar engines

create a feeling of continuity with the exterior. The upper deck reaching a top speed of 16 knots and a cruising speed of 15 knots.

     Top page, from the left, the upper deck sky lounge with two comfortable sofas for a unique view over
     the sea. Below, a running-shot image dedicated to the first CRN refit. Right, the wonderful
     sundeck with a Teuco hydro massage tub. Lastly, a great view of Eight from the top (adjoining page).

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