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X stands for extraordinary talent; for a                        the result of the collaboration between the Product Strategy
                  performance whose limits are still to be      Committee, Ferretti Group’s Engineering Department and
                  tested; for a constantly evolving dna.        architect Fulvio De Simoni. This bold coupé was designed
                  It might be just a few months since Pershing  to stir up emotions in over 80 countries where the brand
                  announced its 140 foot flagship
                                                                                 is distributed. 16.51 metres (54.2’) long with

but it’s all set to take fans and the market by  } The new               a full beam of 4.38 metres (14.4’), it has an
surprise again with the launch of the new        Pershing 5X can         original hydraulically-operated platform at the
5X: an innovative coupé that is the first in a   be enjoyed both         stern that can be lowered more than 50 cm
range with the 4X as the next model to be        as an open and          below the water surface, becoming a convenient
added. Every new Pershing creates a thrill       a coupé yacht           submerged area for guests and the crew. By
that sends ripples of emotion through the                                fitting a safety rail supporting a net or technical

terraqueous globe from the Mediterranean                                 canvas, the entire area becomes a salt-water

to central and northern Europe; from the United States to swimming pool where younger guests can play safely in the

South America and Asia-Pacific, where Pershing has a cult water. The garage can house a 2.8 metre Williams tender

following among motor yacht enthusiasts. The Pershing 5X is that slips easily into the water when the swimming platform

     Above, the amazing open space salon on the main deck, naturally lit thanks to the big glazing at starboard, on portside
     and on the ceilings. Here above, left: the Master suite with a living area. On the right, the en-suite
     head of the Owner’s stateroom. For the first time on a Pershing yacht below 60 feet, this cabin is full beam amidships.

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