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       THE ALPS

Take seventy sea dogs, be they Captains or Chief Engineers,
   and take them up to a very, very high altitude for three

days, a habitat that has absolutely nothing to do with the sea:
     the Austrian Alps and the splendid city of Salzburg

This was the original concept for this year’s                          nology partners, who are also sponsors of Convergence: MAN,
                    Convergence, the extremely popular train-          RANIERI TONISSI (course on MAN Engines), RINA (course
                    ing event held in mid March, designed for the      on “The value of class and environmental regulations”), SEA-
                    captains of Ferretti Group yachts. The tried       KEEPER (Seakeeper Gyro stabilizers overview) and SIDE POW-
                    and tested formula once again revolved around a    ER (course on Side Power thrusters & stabilizers).
    combination of formal training courses and enjoyable group ac-     The captains could also check into the technical “corners” or-
    tivities, this year wandering city streets and snow-capped moun-   ganised by partners and sponsors (BESENZONI, CONDARIA,
    tains. The participants were captains and chief engineers work-    IDROMAR, ROLLA, TOPSYSTEM, and VIDEOWORKS), il-
    ing on 60-70 foot yachts or even larger vessels, with many com-    lustrating how their instruments work via demo videos or spe-
    ing from Central and Western Europe, along with a large num-       cial events, and providing in-depth information on specific
    ber from Eastern Europe, America, and the Middle East. After       topics. There was a treasure hunt winding its way among the
    the opening speech given by the CEO of Ferretti Group, Al-         monuments in the Austrian city and sports challenges at Post-
    berto Galassi, together with the CCO, Stefano de Vivo, the En-     alm ski resort, making this a truly unforgettable Convergence.
    gineering Director Michelangelo Casadei and the entire After       The Grand Finale topped everything, with an award ceremo-
    Sales team led by Marco Santoro, the training sessions got off to  ny announcing the winning team that scored the most points
    a start looking at the main technological innovations. The for-    in the various events and the handing out of certificates of at-
    mal refresher courses were organised by the Group’s main tech-     tendance. See you next year at Convergence 2017!

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