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   The ancient Temple of Hadrian in Rome was the venue chosen
for the debut press conference of “FSD - Ferretti Security & Defence”,

    Ferretti Group’s new business unit. Attending this important
 event was the Italian Minister of the Interior, Hon. Angelino Alfano

P atrolling coastlines, guarding national                         of honour was the Italian Minister of the Interior, Honor-
               and international waters, rescuing refu-           able Angelino Alfano, who commented: “I’m a yachtsman
               gees taking to the sea in the hope of a bet-       and a lover of the sea.
               ter future: urgent needs, a tough job with chal-   On behalf of this Government that has always believed in
               lenging responsibilities. In Italy and throughout  the economic and strategic value of our ship building in-
the Mediterranean. This scenario prompted Ferretti Group          dustry, it is my pleasure to welcome the advent of an Italian
to take a new stance, leading the way as always.                  company like Ferretti Group in the Security and Defence
It led to the founding of FSD - Ferretti Security & Defence,      sector, vitally important for our country”. The priority ob-
the Group’s new division whose mission is to design, devel-       jectives of FSD include diversifying its current programme
op and build naval platforms that meet the specific needs of      to develop and expand its range of operations: as a result,
the armed forces who face the day to day challenge of guar-       it has already completed the engineering phase for five na-
anteeing the security, surveillance and defence of nation-        val platforms that will lead to the production of vessels rang-
al and international waters. The official presentation took       ing from 13 and 35 metres. The “FSD195” demonstrator,
place on February 3rd at the prestigious Temple of Hadri-         the first “Fast Patrol Vessel” by the new business unit, is al-
an in Rome. Ferretti Group CEO Alberto Galassi gave a de-         ready being built at the Group’s Italian shipyards. It will be
tailed presentation of FSD to more than 60 guests represent-      a high-performance, 20-metre craft capable of exceeding
ing the press and Italian authorities, including senior repre-    speeds of 50 knots and offering more than 400 miles of au-
sentatives of the Armed Forces and the Government. Guest          tonomy. The launch is scheduled for next summer.

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