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} Luxury Launch                                      launch event with a Riva 88’ Florida and a 68’ Riva      } Ventura
with Art Marine                                      Ego Super on display. “The List” is an exclusive         at London Boat Show
                                                     high-end online platform featuring ultra-luxurious
DUBAI, UAE                                           and premium goods and products.                          LONDON, UK
On the 14th and 15th of March, an incredible luxury  The innovative solution brought by this website          The iconic British Boat Show, reaching
event was held in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. In    concerns the idea to promote the featured products       its 62nd edition, has been a great success
particular, we are talking about “The List” website  though their very high tech platform which targets       again: from the 8th to the 17th January, more
launch. The 101 Privé of the One & Only hotel was    limited groups of users. The two-day event was con-      than 90 thousands people visited the ExCel
the perfect background for the setting of this more  ceived as a double experience: the first day was ded-    London Exhibition Centre to experience the
than exclusive appointment. The official dealer for  icated to the media while the second to VIP guests.      very best that the boating industry has to
Ferretti Group, ART Marine, together with other      A reception cocktail started at 7:00pm. Journalists      offer, with more than 400 boats displayed
major exponents of the luxury industry such as       and guests had the chance to participate to exclu-       among which 132 making their debut. Ven-
Rolls Royce and Vacheron Constantin, joined the      sive sea trials on the two Rivas, and they were able     tura, the official Ferretti Group dealer in the
                                                     to enjoy a preview scale model of the new Riva 100’      UK, participated to the event with a 140mq
                                                     Corsaro, debuting next Autumn on the markets.            stand, bringing to the attention of visitors
                                                                                                              and guests the special edition of the iconic
                                                     } Mele Yacht And Nautica                                 Aquariva Super in an original “Bentley Blue”
                                                     Casarola At Nauticsud                                    hull colour, a true gem greatly appreciat-
                                                                                                              ed by motorboats enthusiasts all over the
                                                     NAPLES, ITALY                                            world. The ten-day event was enriched by
                                                     Nauticsud is back on the Italian yachting scene after    several side activities such as daily panel
                                                     a break of five years. And it is doing it in style with  discussions and meetings with the partic-
                                                     its 43rd show held over nine days spanning the end       ipation of celebrity guests and sea sport
                                                     of February and the beginning of March, in the en-       athletes, sailing tournaments for experts
                                                     chanting Mostra D’Oltremare arena in Naples.             and beginners, sea bobbing, water walking,
                                                     Ferretti Group took part in the event alongside its      stand up paddleboarding and much more.
                                                     established partners, Mele Yacht and Nautica Casa-
                                                     rola, with two stands in Hall 6. Mele Yacht, whose       } Charters with
                                                     head office is in Naples itself, showcased the new       Ekka Yachts
                                                     Ferretti Yachts 450 and 850 flybridges and the
                                                     Pershing 5X, the new entry level in the Pershing         ATHENS, GREECE
                                                     fleet. Nautica Casarola had a splendid Riva Iseo on      If you are looking forward for an exciting
                                                     display. The event included a full and very interest-    experience chartering between the marve-
                                                     ing programme of conferences and workshops on            lous Greek Islands in Greece in complete au-
                                                     issues linked to business in the nautical world.         tonomy and privacy, EKKA Yachts provides
                                                                                                              the answer. Ferretti Group’s first appointed
                                                     } An Amazing Debut                                       dealer in Greece and Cyprus welcomes the
                                                                                                              season with a remarkable fleet of six boats:
                                                     WARSAW, POLAND                                           a Ferretti 881, sleeping 14 people as guests
                                                     Super Yachts Ltd., brand new distributor for Ferret-     and crew members, a Ferretti 830 (12 peo-
                                                     ti Yachts and Pershing brands for Poland, made its       ple), a Riva 75’ Venere (11 people), two Riva
                                                     debut with Ferretti Group at Wiatr i Woda fair, the      68’ Ego (8 people) and one Riva 52’ Rivale
                                                     biggest boat show event in Poland. Held from 10-13       (5 people). Whether you wish to charter a
                                                     March in the center of Warsaw, it attracted more than    Riva for a day in Mykonos, a Ferretti Yachts
                                                     250 companies from Polish yachting industry. Super       for a week with the family or a mega-yacht
                                                     Yachts presented the current offer of Ferretti Yachts    for the ultimate charter experience, you will
                                                     and Pershing through a chic modular stand de-            be advised by the experts of Ekka Yacht’s
                                                     signed in partnership with names as Bang&Olufsen,        charter department, established in 2011.
                                                     Gaggenau, Veuve Cliquot and Heban Meble.
                                                     “They have been four fruitful days”, as commented                                      81N. 109 / PROTAGONIST
                                                     Przemyslaw Tarnacki and Marta Majoch, co-Owner
                                                     and Managing Director of Super Yachts. Many Polish
                                                     clients visited the booth, focusing their interest es-
                                                     pecially on the new entry level boats Ferretti Yachts
                                                     450 and Pershing 5X, that will debut next Summer.
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