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} Seapros at The                                   Kuwait Bay, in the north west of the country. Sea   } Thank You,
Kuwait Yachts Show                                 Pros staff entertained customers and enthusiasts    Mario Amati and
                                                   from afternoon to evening at its elegant stand      Happy Navigation
SALMIYA, KUWAIT                                    showcasing the Group’s brands, with a masterpie-
Ferretti Group was represented by Sea Pros at the  ce of nautical art as its centrepiece: a beautiful  As a designer, he was a genius; an inventor
recent Kuwait Yachts Show, held from 1st to 4th    Pershing 62. The aerodynamic and sleek lines of     of extraordinary motor yachts with his own
February. The venue for the event was the char-    this splendid, sea-going motor yacht make it a      unique style. “Open yachts designed by pe-
ming Marina Crescent at Salmiya, in the heart of   fine example of the perfect balance of innovation,  ople who love the sea, for people who love
                                                   comfort and performance, the result of the revo-    the sea”, was a mantra he was fond of re-
                                                   lution in the brand’s style in recent years.        peating. Mario Amati, the hostorical foun-
                                                                                                       der of Itama, one of the most celebrated
} Lengers Welcomes Spring                          nes Yachting Festival 2016. The event was held      brands in the Italian yachting world, has
                                                   over two consecutive weekends, 12-13 March and      left us at the age of 83.
MUIDEN, THE NETHERLANDS                            19-20 March, at Westzeedijk 2 marina in Muiden,     He founded his company in 1969 in Rome,
Spring is just around the corner and it’s alrea-   where the dealer is based. On each day of the       and in the space of a few years his motor
dy time for the Pre-Spring Floating Event, or-     event, the guests invited were able to feast their  yachts designs were a huge success, be-
ganised as always by Lengers Yachts, Ferretti      eyes on the generous display of yachts, in the      coming a cult phenomenon on account of
Group’s exclusive dealer for Northern Europe. Its  Lengers Yachts showroom and in the private bay      their elegant lines, reliable technology, bold
most loyal customers look forward to the event     in front of it. They included one of the new Fer-   personality and precise stylistic choices.
every year, as it is considered an ideal opportu-  retti Yachts 550, a Ferretti Yachts 570 and three   Ferretti Group would like to thank Mario
nity to get to know the different yachts flying    Riva speedboats: the 44 foot Rivarama Super, the    Amati and will proudly carry on his legacy
the colours of the Group’s brands, ahead of the    legendary Aquariva Super, and a 27-foot Iseo, all   through the craft that make up part of its
world debut of their new products at the Can-      waiting for guests to come aboard and enjoy a test  range today: the Itama 45’, the Itama 62’
                                                   drive on the magnificent Lake Markermeer.           and the flagship Itama 75’. “Itamas don’t
                                                                                                       change year after year, chasing after the la-
                                                                                                       test fashion... I build boats for people who
                                                                                                       feel at ease in the world and who are lo-
                                                                                                       oking to feel even better, because a boat is
                                                                                                       a symbol of happiness”.
                                                                                                       His words once again define Itama’s style
                                                                                                       better than any other description: a com-
                                                                                                       bination of freedom, friendship, a passion
                                                                                                       for beautiful things, and the joy that only
                                                                                                       the sea can give to sea enthusiasts. “We
                                                                                                       want to thank this man whose vision, skill
                                                                                                       and craft have left an indelible mark on in-
                                                                                                       ternational boating industry. A designer of
                                                                                                       unmatched talent and a true Italian”, com-
                                                                                                       mented Alberto Galassi, Chief Executive Of-
                                                                                                       ficer of Ferretti Group.

                                                   } True Master Of Luxury                             nal and international luxury industry. Masters of
                                                                                                       LXRY accommodates the most stylish, authen-
                                                   AMSTERDAM, THE NETHERLANDS                          tic and distinctive products in the worlds of art,
                                                   Lengers Yachts, trusted dealer for Ferretti         interior, design, gastronomy, jewellery, yachts,
                                                   Group in Northern Europe, participated to Ma-       cars, watches and more.
                                                   sters of LXRY: a five-day event held from the       The beautiful symbol of luxury Riva Aquari-
                                                   10th to the 14th December at the Amsterdam          va Super has been displayed for this exclusive
                                                   RAI. This premium lifestyle fair is Europe’s lea-   event, with the whole team of Lengers Yachts at
                                                   ding luxury event, the place to be for the natio-   disposal of visitors and guests for news and info
                                                                                                       concerning the iconic brand.

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