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From Monte Carlo and London to Dubai: boat shows, events and awards

} A Preview Of Two Rivas                              and the Riva 76’ Perseo took water for the first        } A “Riva Style”
In The Middle East                                    time off the coast of the United Arab Emirates,         Charity Event
                                                      the acclaimed protagonists of a fantastic pre-
DUBAI, UAE                                            view last February followed up by a session of          MONTE CARLO, MONACO
An exclusive “VIP Cocktail Reception” was or-         sea trials to the delight of the guests attending,      The established dealer Monaco Boat Ser-
ganised by ART Marine, Ferretti Group’s dealer        including journalists, owners and enthusiasts of        vice, once again this year hosted the “Luci e
in the Middle East. To mark the occasion, two         the iconic brand. The VIP Cocktail Reception was        Ombre” charity auction in the exclusive Riva
new yachts were shown for the first time, part of     held at the stunning location of the Hotel One &        Tunnel, in support of the free mental health-
the fleet of six vessels that Ferretti Group were     Only The Palm in Dubai, with guests gathering           care services offered by Minotauro, a clinic in
to display in the following weeks at the Dubai In-    in the splendid 101 Lounge to admire the pano-          Milan. The event was held at the beginning of
ternational Boat Show 2016. The Riva 88’ Florida      ramic view of Dubai’s skyline and the collection        April to raise funds to help 100 low income
                                                      of yachts, with the latest two gems designed by         families with teenage children suffering from
                                                      Riva enjoying most of the attention.                    mental health issues. 38 internationally ac-
                                                                                                              claimed artists specialising in photography,
} Retromobile 2016                                    and owners of vintage cars who came to Paris            sculpture and painting, supported the event
                                                      from across Europe and beyond. Monaco Boat              by donating more than 40 artworks, includ-
PARIS, FRANCE                                         Service, Riva’s official dealer for France and Mona-    ing Gabriele Basilico, Franco Fontana, Marina
The Retromobile in Paris is the winter event that is  co, took part in the exclusive competition for the      Ballo, Mimmo Paladino, Toni Meneguzzo, Ol-
simply not to be missed; one of the three most im-    first time this year, showing a pair of nautical mas-   ivo Barbieri, Luca Campigotto, Maurizio Gal-
portant vintage car events in the world together,     terpieces that tell the story of the brand’s past and   imberti. The proceeds were donated entirely
along with the Pebble Beach Concours d’Elegance       present: a classic Aquarama Special in mahogany,        to the clinic, where a team of psychothera-
and the Concorso d’Eleganza Villa D’Este in Italy     a legend from the past, and today’s incredibly suc-     pists offer free treatment to family groups as
held in summer. The show took place from the 3rd      cessful Aquariva Super. The two yachts were part        a whole, for as long as it is needed.
to the 7th of February and enchanted enthusiasts      of the splendid exhibition of exceptional vintage
                                                      cars including a Ferrari 335 S and a 1957 Spider        } A Triumphant
                                                      Scaglietti, both attracting a great deal of attention.  Navetta 28 At The
                                                                                                              Motor Boats Awards

                                                                                                              LONDON, UK
                                                                                                              2016 has got off to a great start for the Navetta
                                                                                                              28, the celebrated maxi yacht in the series of
                                                                                                              semi-planing hulls by Custom Line, winning a
                                                                                                              prestigious award at the “Motor Boat Awards”,
                                                                                                              the event organised by IPC Media, the British
                                                                                                              publishing house with some of the top yacht-
                                                                                                              ing magazines distributed across Europe. The
                                                                                                              Custom Line Navetta 28 was triumphant in
                                                                                                              the “Custom Yacht” category, confirming its
                                                                                                              ranking as the leader in the customised maxi
                                                                                                              yacht segment and coming top in the main
                                                                                                              new yachts revealed by the leading internation-
                                                                                                              al yacht builders in recent months. The award
                                                                                                              was made even sweeter with the knowledge
                                                                                                              that all the yachts were tested by the expert
                                                                                                              specialised journalists who work for the British
                                                                                                              publisher before they got their nomination. The
                                                                                                              Custom Line team received the award on 11th
                                                                                                              January this year, during a Gala Dinner held at
                                                                                                              the Rosewood Hotel in London coinciding with
                                                                                                              the 2016 “London Boat Show”, where Ferret-
                                                                                                              ti Group took part along with its established
                                                                                                              dealer Ventura UK. A memorable acknowl-
                                                                                                              edgement for the Navetta 28 and for Custom
                                                                                                              Line’s design and construction strategy, one of
                                                                                                              Ferretti Group’s brands currently enjoying great
                                                                                                              commercial success in international markets.

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