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} Abys Yachting                                     } Excellent Navigation                                 operating at international level, @ferrettigroup
Brings the Group On                                 on Instagram Too                                       successfully involved a large number of yachting
The Golf Course                                                                                            enthusiasts and general users.
                                                    MONTE CARLO, MONACO                                    Ferretti Group stays in contact with its customers
CANNES, FRANCE                                      An other new international award for Ferretti          and followers also using its other social media
From the 28th to the 31st of January, ABYS          Group: this time for its online and social media       accounts, including Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin,
Yachting, official dealer for Ferretti Group        presence. The official Instagram account @ferret-      Pinterest and YouTube, and received the award
brands in France, participated to the 19th “Pro     tigroup, managed with the support of its partner       on December 17th last year at Monte Carlo along
Am des Ambassadeurs Old Course” where 36            Arachno, won the “World Luxury Award - Gold            with other top brands like Hermès, Cartier, Guc-
international teams faced each other on the         Use of Media 2015” in the “Cars & Yachts” cate-        ci, Dior, Valentino, Emirates, Mercedes, Jaguar,
golf course in a relaxed atmosphere.                gory thanks to the 42,827 followers who viewed         Audi, Lexus, Lamborghini, Martell, Vertu and The
Founded in 1891, the “Old Course” remains           more than 599 pictures and videos posted sin-          Leading Hotels of the World. The World Luxury
one of the most frequented golf destinations        ce March 9th 2015, the date when the account           Award is an independent forum made up of indu-
in Europe and attracts players coming from          was officially launched. Deemed the best social        stry professionals, whose aim is to continue the
all over the world each year. Situated on the       media channel out of all the top luxury brands         drive towards even higher standards of creative
French Riviera, between sea and mountains,                                                                 excellence in advertising and to develop new te-
it hosts the most prestigious encounters and                                                               chnologies in the luxury goods sector.
offers high quality facilities designed for both
beginners and advanced golfers.
During the 4-day appointment, a tight sche-
dule saw the participants enjoy different acti-
vities besides various golf tournaments: sea
food and wine tasting, cocktail receptions
and gala nights and dinners. The occurrence
ended with a special Award Ceremony, were
the winners have been honoured by Léana
Ferrero, Miss Riviera 2015 and Jean-Stéphan
Camerini, director of the Golf Club.

} Service University 2016                           its Dealer & Service Network in Europe, Middle East    board the yachts built by the Group. Seven courses
                                                    and Africa. Sixty participants came from across Italy  were held between Sarnico and Milan, with lessons
MILAN AND SARNICO (BERGAMO), ITALY                  and abroad, including Portugal, UAE, Turkey, Gree-     on theory as well as hands-on sessions with visits to
The customary session of the Service University     ce, Lebanon, Spain and Holland, for the two separa-    the boat yards and simulations of faults using spe-
was held last winter, once again organised by Fer-  te events in February to find out more about some      cial demos, with the help of 5 suppliers and techni-
retti Group’s After Sales & Service Department for  particularly important issues like the new develop-    cal partners of the Group: Saim/Kohler, Besenzoni,
                                                    ments in the systems and instruments fitted on         Opac Group, Seakeeper, and H+B technics.

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