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            Ferretti Security & Defence took part in the
Doha International Maritime Defence Exhibition & Conference

               with an international presentation
 of its products intended specifically for the defence market

D imdex is the most important show for                         involved in the numerous side-events organised during the
                  professionals involved in the security       show, such as the opening ceremony held at the QNCC, the
                  and defence of maritime environments,        official gala dinner under the patronage of the Emir of the
                  attracting the top names in innovative mar-  State of Qatar, Sheikh Tamim Bin Hamad Al-Thani, and the
                  itime technology between March 29th and      gala evening on board the Carabiniere ship moored at the
31st. Its importance continues to grow year after year, so     commercial port of Doha. The FSD team discussed numer-
much so that 60 countries, 200 companies and 20 military       ous topics during the official meetings, first and foremost
ships were present at the Qatar event last month. FSD made     the progress of work on the first “fast patrol vessel”: with
full use of the potential offered by the occasion. The new     its launch planned for the coming summer, the F195 is to
Ferretti Group business unit focuses on the design, devel-     be 20 metres long and reach speeds in excess of 50 knots,
opment and construction of a new range of advanced naval       with a range above 400 miles. FSD’s second craft will be the
platforms with specifications designed to safeguard securi-    35-metre F350, capable of reaching speeds of 55 knots in
ty and defend international waters. It was up among the top    the Codag version. DIMDEX was an ideal opportunity and
names at DIMDEX, meeting military delegations from sev-        venue in view of its specific nature and the quality and au-
eral countries around the world, including China, Turkey,      thority of the visitors and exhibitors, as well as the strategic
Spain, Tunisia, India and Thailand. The FSD team was also      importance of the Persian Gulf area for the defence sector.

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