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                                 lamour, excitement and millions of fans all      the legendary Save a Prayer and Rio. Duran Duran were asked to
                                 over the world: are we talking about Duran       put on the one-off concert just for Ferretti Group owners and the
                                 Duran or the Ferretti Group’s yachts? The        members of the Yacht Club de Monaco because they are an ex-
                                 Private Preview brought the stars of music       traordinary band with style, personality and the ability to innovate
                     G and yachting together as a thrilled audience of            and experiment that - in both music and shipbuilding - always puts
                     owners and guests enjoyed a truly sparkling night that they will nev-  you a step above the rest. It is no surprise that they have stayed at
                     er forget. When Duran Duran appeared on a stage that seemed to   the very top through a number of eras.
                     skim the water’s surface, surrounded by magnificent vessels, the on-  Their music and the guests at the concert helped to make the 2017
                     lookers all felt the sublime sense of satisfaction that is summed up   Ferretti Group Private Preview another evening to remember. It
                     by the title of one of the legendary British band’s famous songs: “All   was not Simon Le Bon’s first appearance at the Yacht Club de Mo-
                     You Need Is Now”. The spectacle and glamour of this memorable   naco: the members have fond memories of seeing him in on Drum
                     event were made tangible in the enchanting Monégasque night.   during the unforgettable, unique and exciting Whitbread Round
                     A live performance full of hit songs and energy once again under-  the World Race in 1985 and 1986. There was also a magnificent
                     lined Duran Duran’s boundless talent, as they switched between ir-  display of nautical innovation and beauty. A fleet of no fewer than
                     resistible dance rhythms and the pop songs that have made music   25 yachts representing the Ferretti Group brands moored in front
                     history for the last 30 years. The Ferretti Group and the Yacht Club   of the Yacht Club, providing a sumptuous backdrop for the con-
                     De Monaco renewed a partnership that is unlike anything else in   cert and making the event even more spectacular. The Group took
                     the world and for the third year in a row they put on an unforget-  the opportunity to give owners an advance look at the most quin-
                     table event. The private concert celebrated the Group’s unrivalled,   tessential models from its brands. From their prime positions on
                     exceptional ability to design and build outstanding yachts and its ti-  the stands on the Quai Louis II and the terraces of the Yacht Club,
                     tle “Extraordinary World” was inspired by Ordinary World, which is   guests were able to admire 6 new yachts that were making their in-
                     one of the British band’s most famous and successful tracks. More   ternational debuts: the new flybridge Ferretti Yachts 780 and Fer-
                     than 500 people rapturously applauded the band as they worked   retti Yachts 920, the Pershing 9X, the Riva 100’ Corsaro and the
                     their way through a triumphant, hit-packed set list that ranged   most recent addition to the open fleet, the 56’ Rivale, along with
                     from Ordinary World to the songs that first made them famous,   the Navetta 33, the second yacht in the overhauled semi-displace-
                     such as Wild Boys, Notorious, Hungry Like the Wolf, Girls on Fil-  ment Custom Line fleet. They were all available along with the
                     mand A View to a Kill, as well as the more recent Pressure Off and   rest of the fleet for exclusive tours and sea trials. In conclusion,
                     White Lines. After the first part of the concert, the band returned   the 2017 Ferretti Group Private Preview was a huge success and it
                     to the stage for an encore. They brought the curtain down with   confirmed that the group lives in a truly “Extraordinary World”.

                     Above, moments of this memorable night. From their prime positions on the stands on the Quai Louis II and the terraces of the Yacht Club, guests were able to
                     admire 6 new yachts that were making their international debuts: the Ferretti Yachts 780 and Ferretti Yachts 920,
                     the Pershing 9X, the Riva 100’ Corsaro and the 56’ Rivale, along with the Navetta 33, the second yacht in the overhauled semi-displacement Custom Line fleet.

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