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                                                     ET VOILÀ

                                At the 40th Cannes Yachting Festival, the Ferretti Group

                                         displayed a fleet of 25 yachts. Outstanding

                                  economic and financial figures were also presented

                              he increasingly clear and inexorable             results up to September 2017, which once again were even
                              success of the Ferretti Group became             better than expected. On 31 August, the Ferretti Group had
                              even more firmly established at the 40th         consolidated orders for its serial brands amounting to €259
                              Cannes Yachting Festival. The show on the        million, which was in line with the forecasts for the current
                  T French Riviera marks the official start of the             year in the budget. The Group estimates that it will end the
                  new yachting year and the Ferretti Group had the biggest     year with total orders for its serial brands of €400 million,
                  fleet of all the exhibitors: 25 yachts of between 8 and 37 me-  thus consolidating and building on the exceptional results
                  tres, including a magnificent Rivamare at the entrance, in   achieved in 2016. The successful sales performance and
                  front of the Palais des Festival. The Group also led the way   constant improvements to the efficiency and productivity
                  at this edition of the event with an unparalleled six interna-  in all of the group’s yards meant that after the first eight
                  tional debuts and one redesign: the Ferretti Yachts 780 and   months of 2017, the consolidated revenues were up by +10%
                  Ferretti Yachts 920, the new version of the Ferretti Yachts   on the same period in 2016 to €344 million. Throughout
                  550,  the  Pershing  9X,  the  56’  Rivale  and  100’  Corsaro  by   the Cannes Yachting Festival, as always the Ferretti Group
                  Riva and the Navetta 33 by Custom Line. During the press     was  joined  by  prestigious  luxury  partners,  thus  enhancing
                  conference, the CEO of Ferretti Group Alberto Galassi and    the experience for visitors and owners who had already been
                  the Chief Commercial Officer Stefano de Vivo presented the   treated to sea trials and on-board tours of yachts.

                  Above, an aerial view of part of the Ferretti Group booth at the 2017 edition of the Cannes Yachting Festival. The Group was the absolute star of the show
                  with a fleet of 25 yachts, the largest of the event, and 6 premieres, indeed a record for this last edition: Ferretti Yachts 780
                  and Ferretti Yachts 920, Pershing 9X, Riva 56’ Rivale and 100’ Corsaro and the new Navetta 33 by Custom Line, on display in the Super Yacht Extension area.

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