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                                     GREATEST HITS

                      At the Monaco Yacht Show, the Ferretti Group unveiled the majestic
                  new 74 metre “Cloud 9” by CRN on its international debut, as well as the

                       exceptional Custom Line Navetta 33 and the sublime Pershing 108

                            ollowing on from its six international de-         Alberto Galassi and the Chief Commercial Officer Stefano de
                            buts at the 40th Cannes Yachting Festival          Vivo illustrated the developments in the three-year investment
                            and its Shipyard of the Year award, the Fer-       plan in the field of super and mega yachts, focusing in par-
                            retti Group set sail for the 2017 Monaco           ticular on the latest news about the magnificent “Super Yacht
                  F Yacht Show with a highly prestig-                                       Yard” in Ancona. The yard will be fully reno-
                  ious fleet of super and mega yachts. The big-  } The Group                vated in a €25 million scheme that is due to be
                  gest star at the event was the M/Y Cloud 9: the   illustrated the 3-year   completed in 2019. Three CRN yachts are cur-
                  74 metre new masterpiece from CRN that was     investment plan            rently under construction at the Super Yacht
                  making its international debut and was present-                           Yard. The 79 metre CRN 135 will be the second
                  ed in partnership with Burgess. The Group’s    in the super               biggest yacht ever built by the yard, while the
                  fleet was rounded off by two more peerless-    and mega yachts field      62 metre hull of the CRN 137 has just entered
                  ly breathtaking vessels: the new Custom Line                              its production facility. Both will be launched
                  Navetta 33 (which was first unveiled in Ibiza, wowed the inter-  in 2019. Meanwhile, the 50 metre “Superconero” CRN 136
                  national public over the summer and then picked up the Best   will be ready next year. In addition, construction work is un-
                  Design award in Cannes) and the Pershing 108 maxi coupé      derway in the respective dedicated facilities on the new Persh-
                  (the flagship of the Pershing fibreglass fleet). During the tradi-  ing and Riva flagships: the Pershing 140 and the Riva 50 MT,
                  tional press conference on the opening day, the group’s CEO   which is the first creation by the new Superyachts Division.

               36  PROTAGONIST / N. 114

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