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                           LUXURY GOES FAST

                          Pershing has unveiled the new Owner Set by Poltrona Frau.

                      Together with the sumptuous bridge of the new 9X, it celebrates

                          the first 10 years of a partnership between two Italian icons

                              s everyone knows, sailing a Pershing is more     Frau made its debut in luxury yachting as a partner of Pershing. At
                              like flying a jet fighter or driving a Formula   that time the Pershing 72 was the latest addition to the fleet and it
                              1 car, so why shouldn’t these exceptionally      astonished the market with its fabulous interior design and a new,
                              high standards also be reflected in the comfort   futuristic pilot seat with grey leather upholstery. It was the begin-
                   A at the helm? And wouldn’t it be great to sail away        ning of a partnership that was totally unprecedented not only in
                  with a travel set of incomparable quality and aesthetic appeal? The   yachting but also in Italian industry as a whole. Over the years, the
                  brand new Pershing 9X has a breathtaking helm station on board   alliance has been extended to take in the majority of the fleet: the
                  and it is wonderfully complemented by the Pelle Frau® “Meteor-  Pershing 72, the Pershing 64, Pershing 80, Pershing 92 and Persh-
                  ite” leather set of suitcases and accessories that have been made   ing 108, the legendary Pershing 115 and the more recent Pershing
                  exclusively for the most exciting name in international yachting.   74 and Pershing 82 models. The joint project has made such an
                  These gems of style, comfort and innovation are kicking off the   impact on the yachting and Italian design worlds that it has even
                  initiatives to mark the tenth anniversary of a bond that was also cel-  earned a place in a museum. In the Poltrona Frau Museum in To-
                  ebrated at the recent Cannes Yachting Festival. In the year 2007,   lentino (near Macerata), one of the seats made for the Pershing
                  the renowned Italian furniture and interior design brand Poltrona   72 is on show as an example of an authentic piece of industrial art.

                  A bag and the trolley bag, part of the new Owner Set for Pershing yacht
                  owners, the magnificent collection of one-of-a-kind
                  accessories created exclusively and made entirely in Pelle Frau® “Meteorire”
                  leather. This stylish leather, featuring a mix of glossy
                  and dull finishes andenriched by nuance mat tones in the grooves of the
                  grain, has been hand polished on the grain surface
                  to create the shining effect of pyrite, a stone with distinctive metallic crystals
                  that change colour when exposed to the light.

               38  PROTAGONIST / N. 114

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