Page 42 - PROTAGONIST 114
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                  tank, with armoured bodywork and caterpillar tracks, which was   he signed another with the Swiss Maison, LeCoultre (subsequent-
                  making its furious debut on the western front in those days. Shortly   ly the two collaborators ‘merged’ to become one large Maison),
                  after that cover appeared, the watch was ready, although a few years   an eminent producer of those same movements. Thanks to these
                  would pass before it was marketed. In 1917, Louis Cartier, whose   agreements, Cartier knew he was now free to experiment with style
                  jeweller’s soul assuredly united his craftsman’s skill with remarka-  to his heart’s content. And so the timeless shape that still enchants
                  ble aesthetic sensitivity and made him, in those years, part of the   today was born. Let us look at it once more because it is a revolu-
                  vanguard of the artistic revolutions of the time                          tionary watch, for its design that is reduced to the
                  (from cubism to Art Deco, which would come     } A design pared to        minimum, yet can undergo variations without ever
                  a few short years later to consecrate the ideas of   the minimum,         losing its dazzling identity. The brancards, the lat-
                  Cartier, too), was ready for his object-icon. He                          eral bars that enclose the square case, indicate the
                  had already had the experience of the Santos   yet able to undergo        momentous moving on from the traditional round
                  and the Tonneau, two precursor watches of the   changes without           case; the end of the strap that flows seamlessly in-
                  period: so appropriate for wearing on the wrist,   ever losing its iconic   to the side bars is the winning element of an un-
                  and also, in their own way, so completely new.   personality              mistakable silhouette; the cabochon crown, often
                                                                                            adorned with a blue sapphire, is both a functional
                        irst of all, though, Cartier chose his col-                         and a decorative element (solving the problem of
                        laborators and stipulated, pretty much definitively, the tech-  the winder and, protruding from starched cuffs under a tuxedo,
                  Fnical issues: he signed a 14-year contract with Edmond Jae-  adding a remarkably chic touch); the Roman numerals radiating
                  ger (guaranteeing him a princely 250,000 francs a year in sales),   outwards, with the distinctive bold-stroke calligraphy; the outline
                  who was a maestro at designing ultra-flat or thin movements and   of the chapter ring, which is marked in chemin de fer; the sword
                  a creator of closure systems; a master watchmaker, in short. Then   or apple hands, often in blued steel; the railway track is a perfect

                  Above, left, Alain Delon and Jean-Pierre Melville show off their Tank Arrondies on the set of the film ‘Dirty Money’, 1972. Right, Tank Must
                  de Cartier, in vermeil, blue spinel cabochon on the winding crown, dial in onyx lacquer, black strap
                  in lizard skin, circa 1977. Adjoining page, the ever beautiful Angelina Jolie wears her Tank: his wrist is perfect for the iconic time-piece.

               42  PROTAGONIST / N. 114

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