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                  (the halcyon days of the L.C. or the Cintrée with folding clasp).   ni... Tank fans tended to be eminent personages. And they con-
                  In its intentions (think, for example, of the London Cartier sea-  tinue to be. The latest? Michelle Obama, fuelling the legend
                  son, characterized by daring homages to Dali’s art, we are refer-  that it is an iconic object of timeless style. Because sporting this
                  ring to the Crash), in the different ideas that have emerged in the   geometric perfection of time and design on one’s wrist has be-
                  various Cartier locations (New York, Paris, London): always fitting,   come synonymous with elegance, social status and cultural pres-
                  always new, and always perfect.                               tige. Consider this statement by the French maestro of sculp-
                                                                                            ture, César: “I love wearing my Tank. I would feel
                         ary Cooper, Clark Gable, Truman Ca-     } The list of actors       naked without it. This watch has a physical, sensu-
                         pote, Cary Grant, Noël Coward, Duke     and famous people          al, and above all, a tactile dimension. I constantly
                  GEllington (with his Tank à guichets, on                                  fiddle with it, caressing it, without even looking at
                  the cusp between the world of cars and that of   the world over           it. I look at it with my fingers.” The key to under-
                  jewellery), Fred Astaire (who wore a customized   who have succumbed      standing this watch is precisely that it forces you to
                  Cintrée with luminescent Arabic numerals and   to the charms of           think about what it means to have one and make
                  eccentric graphics), Andy Warhol (who never    the Tank is very long      it your own. “Tank has managed to remain true to
                  wound it: “I certainly don’t wear it to know what                         itself, while transforming,” wrote Franco Cologni,
                  time it is,”), Yves Montand (who was given one                            the greatest historian of this watch. “Or rather, it
                  by Simone Signoret), Alain Delon, Ingrid Bergman, Catherine   is precisely because it has managed to adapt to the spirit of the
                  Deneuve, the Kennedys, Yves Saint Laurent (owner of a lavish   times and evolve before the others that the Tank has established
                  L.C.), Lady Diana (after her death it was inherited by prince Wil-  itself as an expression of an ability to act, and above all to think.”
                  liam), Muhammad Ali (who bought his in Puerto Rico in 1976    No small feat for a watch. To be expected for a great watch. The
                  when he was training for a world title fight), Marcello Mastroian-  obvious one for an icon of our times; past, present and future.

                  Above, left, Tank Large Curved JJC in gold, with sapphire on the winding crown, leather strap, Cartier London, 1973. Right, Catherine Deneuve
                  portrayed in 1984, wearing a Tank. Adjoining page, the model presented by Cartier to celebrate 100 years of Tank:
                  Tank Cintrée skeleton, in platinum. With self-winding mechanical movement, calibre 9917 MC. The edition is limited to 100 watches (

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