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                                             WINE 2.0

                                 With La Scolca in Piedmont, Chiara Soldati produces

                            elegant and exclusive white wines appreciated worldwide.

                                    Excellence also found aboard the Ferretti Group

                   A                                                           new story in the digital age and describe new passions.” Today,
                              hundred years, 100 vintages, all epitomis-
                                                                               La Scolca means 60 markets where its wines can be found: “My
                              ing quality Italian production. She is Chi-
                              ara Soldati, in style and in ideas a perfect
                                                                               father Giorgio (Giorgio Soldati ed.) turned his eye towards the
                              ambassador for the beauty of Italy around
                                                                               United States back in the ‘70s, when Sirio Maccioni wanted Ga-
                              the world, of the ‘dolce vita’ expressed in
                  wine. Her winery La Scolca is famed throughout the West and   vi dei Gavi ‘black label’ in his ‘Le Cirque’ restaurant in NYC.
                                                                               Then, over the years, it went on to assemble an international
                  East and, truth be told, has given lustre, appeal and fame to   jigsaw that currently comprises the United Kingdom, Germa-
                  Gavi wines at home and abroad. Yes, because La Scolca Gavi is   ny, Russia, Singapore, Hong Kong and Macao, Thailand, Vi-
                  that Piedmont that goes beyond colossi like Nebbiolo, Barolo   etnam, Indonesia, Maldives, China, Malaysia, Sri Lanka, and
                  and Barbaresco and has made its way thanks to the initiative of   Japan, to name a few. In the best restaurants and hotels such
                  men - and women, just like Chiara Soldati. We meet in Le Si-  as the Four Seasons, Cipriani, Cecconi’s, Bombana, The Ritz,
                  renuse Restaurant in the magical atmosphere of the Four Sea-  Burj al Arab and Zuma, the wine lists contain La Scolca wines,
                  sons Hotel in Miami: “These days, La Scolca is a modern com-  which have come to be thought of as timeless classics, with el-
                  pany targeting new markets and enthusiastically looking for-  egance that traverses cultures, worlds and fashions.”
                  ward to a momentous anniversary: a century of production,”   Chiara does not lack an entrepreneurial drive, and the mar-
                  she explains to Protagonist. Bearing her Gavi like an emblem of   kets have always hailed her wines with enthusiasm. Take Russia
                  tradition, we might add: it was 1919 when La Scolca had the in-  for instance: “Our importer Simple Wine, and characters like
                  tuition of this great white from Piedmont. “It is modern wine,”   Arkady Novikov, the most famous Russian restaurateur who re-
                  she continues. “Wine 2.0; wine that can dialogue with today’s   cently celebrated 25 years of activity and success, who has eat-
                  millennials, with international markets, wine that can write a   eries not only in Russia but also around the world, represent a

                  Top of page, La Scolca and its “black label”: “The winery is a modern company targeting new markets and looking forward to a momentous
                  anniversary: a century of production,” Chiara Soldati explains. It was 1919 when La Scolca had the intuition of this great white
                  from Piedmont. “It is modern wine,” she continues. “Wine 2.0; wine that can dialogue with today’s millennials, with internationals markets.”

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