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wonderful liaison with the DNA of historicity and elegance of   instantly and those friendships are eternal. Chiara and her fam-
                     La Scolca and its ‘black label’.” In fact, around the world the   ily have dedicated their efforts not just to the Piedmont region
                     culture of wine and the search for quality – so-called “premiu-  but to Gavi and Cortese specifically. La Scolca has become syn-
                     mization” – is a trend that is taking root in many markets. In   onymous with Italian quality and tradition as many other fab-
                     the United States, for example, in the last five years the price   ulous Italian wine producers have. That is something consum-
                     of imported bottled still wines has increased by almost 10%   ers have grown accustomed to enjoying. Consumers are very
                     and, if we look at off-trade sales, Italy is positioned among the   interested in learning more and more about the world of wine
                     highest for imported wines.                                                   and they want authenticity.” Chiara Solda-
                     It is a market that Steve Slater, Executive                                   ti adds: “At the Miami Boat Show with La
                     Vice President and General Manager of the   } La Scolca Gavi is that          Scolca at the Ferretti Yacht stand we see
                     Wine Division of Southern Glazer’s Wine           Piedmont that               how wine consumption can be opened to
                     and Spirits, the largest company distribut-    goes beyond colossi            new frontiers. So, La Scolca, in a nutshell,
                     ing wine and spirits in the USA, knows as         like Nebbiolo,              means looking far ahead into the future.”
                     well as he knows Chiara Soldati, and he     Barolo and Barbaresco             On the other hand, quality wine is a luxury
                     knows her as well as he knows La Scolca,                                      item, confirms Steve Slater: “It’s affordable
                     because he is its distributor: “Chiara and I                                  luxury. If you define luxury as something
                     met many years ago at Vinitaly. I was immediately impressed   that delivers beyond the ordinary in any category and is limited
                     with her energy and willingness to listen. She is committed   in production, I would consider it luxury. Why is Beluga Caviar
                     to making La Scolca a relevant brand in the world and she is   sought after? After all, it’s just fish eggs. It’s because it delivers
                     willing to travel the world to spread the word. She has forged   an experience beyond the ordinary. Not everyone can drive or
                     many of her own relationships in the marketplace and those   own a Ferrari but just about anyone can enjoy the same quali-
                     friends want to do all that they can for her. She makes friends   ty wine as billionaires do. Maybe not everyday!”

                     Above, Chiara Soldati on the terrace of the Riva Lounge at the Yacht Club of Monte Carlo: “At the Miami Boat Show with La Scolca
                     at the Ferretti Yacht stand we see how wine consumption can be opened to new frontiers. So, La Scolca,
                     in a nutshell,  means looking far ahead into the future,” she says. La Scolca has become synonymous with Italian quality and tradition.

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