Page 90 - PROTAGONIST 117
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                  of flight a year to reach their destinations, for business or for   indeed, are Pilatus PC-12s), an airplane that is able to offer a
                  pleasure, in total comfort. To reserve ‘your’ plane, you just have   level of comfort on a par with that of a large executive jet with
                  to give a minimum of 36 hours notice, which can be done 24   the flexibility of its take-off and landing ability, which makes it
                  hours a day, seven days a week, with guaranteed availability of   suitable for operating on a wide range of international destina-
                  the aircraft 365 days a year, and taking advantage of routes and   tions, including many smaller (but convenient) airports. Air-
                  take off and landing points that ensure ‘door to door’ service.   planes that are beautiful to fly in, but also beautiful to behold:
                                                                                                    the livery was designed by Philippe
                         nd Jetfly’s true great advantage - above and beyond the   } Jetfly serves   Starck, while the cabin, two and a half
                         alchemies of timetables and fares - is precisely this: the   over 2,300    times as big as a normal light jet, holds
                  Aavailability of a fleet that is able to take off and land   destinations,        up to eight people, and thanks to its
                  even in places inaccessible to most air-taxi services: as easily on   including   rear cargo hatch, allows you to bring
                  a grassy airfield in the middle of Chiantishire as on a moun-                     heavy luggage such as skis, snowshoes
                  tain plateau a few metres from your holiday chalet for a ski ‘on   altiports and   and boots, and even golf bags and bicy-
                  the fly’ between one commitment and another. Saint-Tropez    airfields            cles. And they don’t neglect the safety
                  La Mole, the Venice Lido, and Marina di Campo on the island                       aspects: out of 80 Jetfly pilots, 15 hold
                  of Elba are some of the ‘exclusive’ localities (in the sense that   the Montagne/Roue License, the loftiest expression of moun-
                  very few can manage to land there) on the company’s route    tain flying ability, a highly complex discipline that represents
                  book. In addition, of course, to the many ‘business’ destina-  the best flying school in the career of a pilot. Entrusted to these
                  tions to and from which scheduled flights are still inconvenient.  expert hands, even those 700 metres of asphalt among the
                  This is thanks to the great versatility of the Pilatus PC-12 air-  slopes of Courchevel our landing gear is now touching become
                  craft, the jewel in the crown of a fleet of 19 aircraft (17 of which,   an exclusive experience. And it is already time to disembark...

                  The company has a fleet of 19 aircraft (17 are Pilatus PC-12S). The livery is by Philippe Starck; the cabin
                  can be configured for up to eight seats. Average costs? 3,000 euro for an hour’s flight,
                  fixed and variabile costs included ( The destinations are 2,300 with 36 hours prior notice.

               90  PROTAGONIST / N. 117

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