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Who does fashion reach today? With what places is this gaming, organising fashion shows that anticipated the cur-
system dialoguing most effectively? In the race for tomor- rent Metaverse, starring influencers and k–pop stars. Right
row – between extending trends and trying to break down alongside this parallel universe, an heirloom from the past,
the concept of seasonality and its attached temperatures – namely the “cruise” collection, is being revived. The oldest
some cities more than others need to think very hard about tool in the fashion system for mapping cities has a name that
their relationship with the consumer and their end goal. today sounds almost ancestral; cruise. The ritual that took
Motivation comes from high pressures that have prompt- the noblest classes around the world, reversing the course
ed many luxury brands to turn to digital boutiques among of the seasons: in winter, a cruise in the heat, in summer off
space and look simulation apps (Metaverso foremost among to exotic moors and cities, isolated and unknown to most.
them) that can recreate nonphysical space, not only for con- That’s why outside the abused axis of Paris, Milan, London
sumers who are attentive but also easily prone to boredom. and New York, the most collateral fashion cities shift their fo-
Dolce&Gabbana, for example, was among the first brands cus to consumers who, in strategic parts of the globe, relive
to enter the world of non–physical boutiques and focus on that luxury of travel balanced between climates and leisure.
Protagonist Fashion 39