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Among the most famous depictions is Gustav

            Klimt’s  The  Kiss,  the greatest masterpiece  of  the

            Viennese Secession Created in perfect Art Nouveau

            style, immersed in the refined, ethereal and dreamy

            atmosphere of the Belle Époque.

                Our gaze glides from the profile of his face to the lines  Here, the kiss between a man and a woman, both with their
            of the clasped arms, to the folds of the sheets, indulging a  faces covered by a veil, becomes the echo of a missed
            vortex that suggests the fulfillment of male desire.      love, the silence of unspoken words, of denied glances, an
                The dominance of the senses and passion, however,  unrealized desire fueled by the unconscious, the cruelest
            mixed with a tension toward Romantic and patriotic ideals,  and most enduring form of love, since it is destined not to be
            is found at the basis of Francesco Hayez’s The Kiss (1859).  consummated in the everydayness of existence. With the veil
            Commissioned from the artist by Count Alfonso Maria  removed, that kiss would lose its strength and authenticity,
            Visconti di Saliceto, it is an artwork that is indeed related to  becoming a simulacrum of itself.
            love, but conceals a political meaning. Identified by Giuseppe   A kiss without depth, like the cinematic  Kiss V (1964)
            Mazzini as the leader of Risorgimento history painting,  by  Roy Lichtenstein,  a Pop  artist  who made  the  language
            Hayez conceals some elements of impending struggle in the  and imagery of the comic book world his own. Two beautiful
            melodramatic tone that dominates the composition, in the  and perfect faces of a man and a woman, in close–up, are
            dagger hidden in his pocket, and in the mysterious shadow  locked in a macroscopic kiss seemingly full of passion, but
            looming in the background. That intense kiss, permeated  actually full of cliché. Are her tears of joy or sorrow? Is it the
            with neoclassical reminiscences, is the prelude to a forced  kiss of two people who are about to leave or who have just
            separation, the manifesto of a love (for one’s woman and  returned? It is a fake, simulated kiss that lends itself to any
            one’s country) that is difficult, conflicted, but still possible,  situation, a prophetic portent of many and too many screen–
            unlike that in The Lovers (1928) by Surrealist René Magritte.  filtered kisses in the age of social media.

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