Page 132 - PROTAGONIST 132
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On these pages, Naviva, a Four Seasons resort,  Punta Mita, México ©Four Seasons

          What is the point of having a desire if one cannot find a   Examples? Venice, a city that has inspired feelings and
      way to fulfill it? What is a journey if not a path to finding one’s  passion for centuries, a magical place that seems to have
      place in the world? This is what drives us, and it is above all  been created by desire itself. Or Egypt, with its pyramids, a
      what makes us go beyond our borders to find a place that  still unexplored mystery, monuments that rise majestically in
      makes us feel at home. And make us feel special. It could be  the desert and are a symbol of power, wealth and immortali-
      any place on the planet, and we may not even know it. Indeed,  ty. Or, on the other side of the globe, Machu Picchu in Peru, an
      it is a desire that we only discover fulfilled when we are there,  ancient Inca city in the Andes, built in a place that is difficult
      thus we keep wandering, to follow one’s heart.            to reach, and for this reason a symbol of resistance and de-
          The places we desire are an abstract goal that sooner  termination, of freedom and independence. And then comes
      or later become reality. “People don’t take trips – trips take  the sea, infinite and fascinating, awe–inspiring and attractive,
      people” said the American writer John Steinbeck, and there  lapping golden beaches like those of the Maldives, but also
      is no finer thing than becoming better by feeling in the prime  those closer to us, like those of Sardinia.
      of life. This, then, is what turns a place into a desire, and this is   And so, in the end, what are places we desire? They are
      what turns desire into a place. But above all, this explains the  fragments of the world that exert a magnetic attraction and
      fact that everyone finds their own personal place of desire, to  therefore take on profound significance. They are meta-
      realize their dreams.                                     phors for dreams, aspirations, memories or even an escape
          In short, there are those who seek America in pursuit of  from daily routine, and going there is an action that goes be-
      freedom, those who come from the other side of the world  yond mere physical displacement: it is a quest, an investiga-
      to discover the marvelous upside–down world of Australia or  tion that we make through the landscapes of the Earth.
      New Zealand, those who choose the allure of the Orient, the   Every step forward is also a step within ourselves, an op-
      peace of India or the wild heart of Africa: these are the earth’s  portunity to confront our fears, hopes and desires. And in this
      thousand lights that light up for us. And this is because desire  sense, the journey becomes a moment of personal growth,
      is a powerful force that can drive people to extraordinary ac- an experience that shapes our identity and perception of
      tions and the pursuit of impassioned dreams. And all over the  the world. Which makes us feel better, because as a famous
      world, in fact, are places that are closely linked to this state of  saying goes, “tourists don’t know where they’ve been, trave-
      mind that evoke intense emotions and have been a source of  lers don’t know where they’re going.” Only to realize, at some
      inspiration for artists, poets and romantics of every age.  point, that they have found their destination.

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