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Think of a wish and Flexjet will probably grant it.

      Much like Ferretti Group, with which it partners, the

      private aviation company with the world’s youngest

      aircraft fleet offers unique experiences for its customers.

          Kenneth C. ‘Kenn’ Ricci, the aviation entrepreneur and the   the interior, but rather about the fact that they can be connected
      head of Directional Aviation Capital, has owned, invested in,   anywhere in the world, even on an intercontinental trip.
      and actively managed private aviation businesses over the past   We also offer a helicopter service in cities with major traffic
      forty years that today generate more than $4 billion in annual   problems, such as London and Miami, as a complementary
      revenue, employ more than 5,000 people in North America and   service. Mainly to fulfill the so-called last mile, for example to
      Europe, and supply more than 300,000 flight hours annually to   take customers from the airport to the city center.
      a global customer base.
          He started his first aviation venture in 1981 and has since –   What else makes a Flexjet aircraft stand out from
      through a combination of his passion and stubbornness – created   the rest?
      a network  of businesses that  provide a global  private aviation   We consider each aircraft as unique. When you go to those
      powerhouse. In this network is Flexjet, the private aviation   hotels where all the rooms are the same color, all gray, all beige,
      company  that  offers  the  youngest  and  most  advanced  aircraft   you get the feeling of a standard, boring service.
      fleet in the world, with personalized service and sophisticated   At Flexjet, our job is mainly to take care of the quality of
      customer benefits and services, of which Ricci is Chair.  the experience our customers have on board our aircraft. And
                                                                we want them to be personalized experiences, certainly not
          Let’s start by explaining what Flexjet’s service is.  standard, let alone boring.
          By way of comparison, Flexjet works like a club: members,   That’s why all our aircrafts have a completely unique
      whether companies or individuals, pay a monthly fee for an   interior design that differs from model to model. This means
      aircraft that is always available to them whenever they need   that there is something special about each of our planes.
      it, wherever they are in the world. It is very accessible and   This attention to experience is a hallmark of Flexjet. The
      convenient: our offer also allows you to use several planes at the   meticulous service that we deliver inside the cabin also sets us
      same time. For example, if you have one manager in a company   apart, with all our Cabin Servers trained to the standards of a
      who has to go to Los Angeles and another to London, you can   5-star hotel, at our Red Label Training Academy in London.
      organize the two trips at the same time. Our model makes private
      travel extremely convenient. For now we have bases in Europe,   Who are your customers?
      the US, Mexico, the Virgin Islands, Canada, Hawaii and we are   It is difficult to classify them. In the past we mainly had a
      about to expand to the Middle East.                       corporate clientele. But today people also work while traveling
                                                                for  pleasure.  The  arrival of Covid-19  and  the  handling  of  the
          Flexjet’s model is based on a state-of-the-art fleet.   global pandemic changed our business a lot.
      Why is this element so important to you?                      Since then, the average age of our customers has dropped
          Because we always want to give our customers the best. First   by 10 years, from 60 to 50. During Covid-19, flying with airlines
      of all, technology is moving so fast in aviation that it has become   became more difficult and less safe, and this prompted more
      essential for us to provide customers with the newest, safest and   people to choose private flights. On the other hand, our industry
      most innovative models on the market. But it is also necessary   depends on three things: the travel experience from airport to
      to be able to offer our customers the most exclusive experience   airport, the alternatives on the market and affordability.
      possible. And we take care of this down to the smallest details: for   Let’s say I don’t feel comfortable with the airport routines, if
      example, we are the only company that has Starlink, the global Wi-  they take too long, if the travel experience – especially over long
      Fi service powered by satellite technology. It’s amazing how many   distances – is not excellent or is even boring, I would look for
      customers consider this the most important factor when they book   alternatives that are within my financial means and that provide
      an aircraft. They don’t care about the engines or the quality of   me with the experience that is closest to my tastes and needs.

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