Page 37 - PROTAGONIST-133
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Aquariva with design details and color references in the furnishings
                 exclusive limited edition that celebrates the iconic Aquarama and
               interview at Villa D'Este, Como, Italy. Right, Riva Anniversario, the
             Left, Kenneth C. ‘Kenn’ Ricci, Chairman of Flexjet, during the

                So has your market changed drastically after  bring enough fuel  for the round trip.  You cannot turn off the
            Covid–19?                                                 engines because it is too cold and the ice is constantly shifting,
                Our business activity has doubled. Before Covid-19 we were  cracking or splitting here and there: the airport is never in the
            doing 250 flights a day. Today, however, we do 450-500. And on  same place, but changes latitude and longitude. The landing and
            average we fly a lot more miles: intercontinental travel, demand  takeoff windows are very narrow, between midnight and one
            to and from the Middle East, connections between the US and  o’clock in the morning: outside this time, the reflection of the
            Europe, and so on have also increased significantly.      sun on the ice makes it impossible for the pilot to have references
                                                                      such as the depth of spaces, of objects, and to see clearly.
                What are your visions and strategies for the
            coming years?                                                 Can  you  tell  us  about  the  collaboration  with
                There are many! But one key focus of attention will be on  Ferretti Group?
            continuing to expand our fleet, especially long-haul aircrafts.   First  of  all,  Alberto  Galassi,  CEO  of  Ferretti  Group,  and
            The world is becoming more global and interdependent, travel  I share a passion for aviation, and it is thanks to this common
            to new destinations is increasing, for example, flights to the  interest that we met. But the thing that has united us over
            Middle East have increased tenfold. So we will address how we  these years of friendship, and led us to this partnership, is our
            can deliver both more capacity and an exceptional experience for  commitment  to  the  excellence  of  the  experience  we  offer.
            longer-distance flying. Since 2020 we have expanded our long- Flexjet and Ferretti are in the same business: that of creating
            haul fleet from less than 20 to more than 60, and the total fleet  extraordinary memories, as no other company in the world can
            from 180 to more than 300.                                do. By providing customers with yachts, beautiful boats, and an
                                                                      extraordinarily well-designed private jet, we offer unforgettable
                Which customers are most memorable?                   moments. For oneself and one’s family. Our two companies have
                Many of our clients have a special attachment to their pets  already organized events together and many of our customers
            and want to take them on trips with them. I must say that I have  already own Ferretti yachts.
            realized that bringing an animal on board changes the dynamic
            during the trip. But not only the passengers, also the staff and   Let’s end on this onboard experience note, so
            even the pilots, have a special care for pets, so I could say that...  distinctive for Flexjet. Can you tell us about the most
            dogs are our favorite passengers!                         romantic experience that occurred on your planes?
                                                                          We have flown many celebrities, creating wonderful
                And what, on the other hand, has been the strangest  memories, but for the sake of our relationship with the customer
            destination requested by your customers?                  they must remain secret. But I can say one thing: traveling on a
                I would definitely say Antarctica. There are only three  private jet is generally a happy and romantic experience. If you
            airports there, and – since you can’t refuel there – you have to  are on a private jet and you are not happy, something is wrong.

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