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      IT’S PLAIN

   Once again reporting a profit in the first quarter of 2016
and announcing a new shareholder: F INVESTMENTS S.A.,

   the holding company controlled by the Ferrari family

F erretti Group is taking up its rightful role           also a monumental result. Mr Galassi confirmed the success
              of leader more and more on account of its  of the 6 new Ferretti Yachts, Riva, Pershing and Custom
              past, prestige and nautical
              know-how. The 2015 financial                                 Line models presented in 2015 that helped to
              results, presented on 28th April                             drive the growth, and announced there will be
during the annual financial conference                                     another 9 yachts - ranging from 12 to 37 metres
held in Milan are proof of it, exceeding                                   - ready to debut before the end of 2016.
expectations: the first quarter of 2016 showed                             Mr Piero Ferrari (here left) has been invited
a profit of around 5 million euros. During                                 by Weichai Group to sit on the Board of
the conference, CEO Alberto Galassi also                                   Directors of the Group while continuing to
introduced Ferretti Group’s new shareholder,                               chair the Product Strategic Committee that
F Investments S.A., a holding company                                      provides the guidelines for the research,
controlled by the Ferrari family, which has                                development and implementation of the
acquired 13.2% of the share capital.                                       new products by all the brands. The work
The consolidated production value of 410                                   undertaken by the Committee under his
million euros (+23% compared to 2014) was                                  guidance has also played a major part in
                                                                           achieving the brilliant results in 2015.

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