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           From June 18th to July 3rd 2016, an immense
    art installation by artist Christò is floating on the surface

               of Lake Iseo. A series of piers linking
    the banks of the dock where the legend of Riva was born

Between June 18th and July 3rd, Lake Iseo                                Lake Iseo as his source of inspiration for yet another of his
                    will become an extraordinary work of art full of     “ephemeral” works, entitled “The Floating Piers”. Visitors will
                    magic appeal for 16 days. The installation will      be able to walk from Sulzano to Monte Isola and then to the
                    be created using 100,000 sq m2 of yellow fabric,     island of San Paolo and around its shores. The walkway has
                    floating on the surface of the lake. It will be      a total length of 3.6km, with a further 1.5 km on dry land on
    held up in place by a modular system of 220,000 high-density         the streets of Sulzano and Peschiera Maraglio. It will also be
    polyethylene cubes, which will mimic the slow motion of the          possible to admire the 16-metre wide floating piers that stand
    waves as they float on the lake’s surface. Visitors will be able to  35 cm clear of the surface of the water, on board the yachts.
    admire and walk over the installation like a footpath, enjoying      Riva will be present with the owners of its yachts, bringing
    an experience that will have an almost miraculous feeling            even more international acclaim to an area that already enjoys
    about it: walking on water. Christò is the artist who chose          glory and names of excellence (

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