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                  From Monaco to Istanbul and Cape Town: boat shows, events and trophies

                  } The Shipyard Of The                   was named Shipyard of the Year and received four   56’ Rivale: Most Achieved Trophy, 50 – 80 feet (15 –
                                                          more awards for its premieres: Ferretti Yachts 780,
                                                                                                  24 metres) category; Custom Line Navetta 33: Best
                  Year is Ferretti Group                  Riva 56’ Rivale, CRN 74 m Cloud 9 and Custom   Exterior Design Trophy – 80 – 125 feet (24-38 me-
                                                          Line Navetta 33. The Group received five awards   tres) category; CRN 74 m “Cloud 9”: Best Layout
                                                          at this edition of the prestigious event which has   Trophy, 164 – 270 feet (50-82 metres) category;
                  CANNES, FRANCE                          been celebrating the best new models unveiled on   Ferretti Group: Special Trophy Best Shipyard of the
                  Is was clear that 2017 was the year of the Ferret-  the Cote d’Azur for 16 years. The five Awards won   Year. This amazing set of five awards - the fruit of
                  ti Group, due to its results and popularity, but the   by the Ferretti Group at the World Yachts Trophies   the hard work carried out in recent years - was cele-
                  40th Cannes Yachting festival also brought the   2017 are: Ferretti Yachts 780: Best Interior Design   brated by the Group together with its yacht owners
                  most welcome World Yachts Trophies. The Group   Trophy, 50 – 80 feet (15-24 metres) category; Riva   and the many fans of its inimitable brands.

                                                          } Brothers of                           Ferretti Group was special partner for the night,
                                                                                                  and was thrilled to play a part in this exception-
                                                          Ferretti Group                          al evening. Kostantinos Tsouvelekakis, Managing
                                                                                                  Director of Brooks Brothers Monaco, said how
                                                                                                  proud he was to have the possibility to work with
                                                          MONTE CARLO, MONACO                     Ferretti Group in the Principality of Monaco for
                                                          Brook Brothers and Ferretti Group made the   the third year in a row. Of course, the Brooks
                                                          opening of the Monaco Yacht Show 2017 even   Brothers New Fall/Winter Collection was the star
                                                          more terrific than it already is. America’s legend-  of the evening, giving guests and customers a
                                                          ary brand of apparel hosted a cocktail reception   sneak preview at the perfect setting and shop-
                                                          at their Brooks Brothers Monaco store located   ping destination for Yacht Club members and
                                                          within the prestigious Yacht Club de Monaco.   Monaco’s residents and visitors.

                  } Ferretti Yachts 550                   tended the show with its partner Ventura Yachts, the

                  debut in Spain                          official dealer for the Ferretti Yachts and Pershing
                                                          brands in the area. The Ferretti Yachts 550 received
                                                          many complimentary comments for its very elegant
                  BARCELONA, SPAIN                        styling and design and visitors at the show were
                  A wonderful Spanish premiere for the crown jewel   also entranced by the Pershing 62. Ventura Yachts
                  of Ferretti  Yachts’ range, Ferretti Yachts 550. The   set up an amazing stand, offering hospitality to all
                  perfect location for this debut has been the 56th   its guests and friends during the show: refreshments
                  Barcelona International Boat Show, held between   were served, with visits on board and sea trials, and
                  the 11th and 15th October this year at the amazing   visitors had the possibility to see scale models and
                  Port Vell in the centre of the city. Ferretti Group at-  videos of Ferretti Group’s latest masterpieces.

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