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                              hey say perfection does not exist, but the       over 15 m² of glass in the 4 hull glazed windows with portholes in
                              Pershing 9X seems to be the exception that       the bulwarks, which offer unparalleled levels of natural light in-
                              proves the rule. The second Generation X mas-    side. The large outdoor areas forward and on the sundeck com-
                              terpiece is a cutting-edge nautical gem that under-  bine supreme comfort with maximum privacy. The interior de-
                  T lines the vitality of the most spellbinding boatyard       sign scheme on board revolves around masterpieces of Italian de-
                  on the international scene. The Pershing 9X stems from the part-  sign. Poltrona Frau leather upholstery and coverings appear on
                  nership between the yacht designer Fulvio De Simoni, the Fer-  the ceilings and bulwarks of the main deck and the padded items
                  retti Group’s Product Strategy Committee (under the guidance   of furniture in the guest cabins. The latter were inspired by the
                  of the engineer Piero Ferrari) and the group’s Engineering De-  Lepli line and made exclusively for the Pershing 9X. Other Pol-
                  partment. It is the product of a design process that saw engineers   trona Frau products include the Gran Torino sofa and the Fitzger-
                  and designers working alongside long-standing technical partners   ald dining chairs on the deck and the Lepli pouf and Montera
                  of the group to put together an awe-inspiring blend of technolo-  chair in the master suite. The chairs in the cockpit are by Dedon,
                  gy and luxury. On the hydrodynamic front, the second member   the coffee table in the lounge is by Flexform and the decorative
                  of Generation X is the heir to the glorious 92’. It is innovative in   cushions are by Fendi Casa. The large, magnificent dining table
                  every way, right down to the materials used to make the compos-  is by Italy Dream Design. The structural layout of the interiors is
                  ites: large amounts of carbon were utilized in conjunction with   embellished by a playful combination of colours and materials,
                  vinyl ester resin for the hull and epoxy resin for the deck and su-  with fiddleback wood, light grey flooring, enamels and leathers
                  perstructure. It was an approach that required the creation of new   in dark hues (especially the textures of the furniture doors, which
                  moulds and a dedicated area in the Mondolfo boatyard.  The end   were supplied by Bizzarro Leather). Two Cini&Nils table lamps
                  product is a maxi coupé that peerlessly combines quality and in-  complement the lighting system, which was developed in part-
                  novation. With its breathtaking rigidity, lightness and technolog-  nership with Altra Luce. Below decks, the cabin bathrooms really
                  ical equipment, the Pershing 9X offers performance at the very   catch the eye, with Trend mosaics, Antonio Lupi washbasins and
                  top of its class and unique comfort thanks to its quiet running   Cea taps. The kitchen is by Ernestomeda and it is equipped with
                  even at high speeds and its lack of roll at anchor thanks to 2 Sea-  Miele appliances. The bridge of the Pershing 9X is a real master-
                  keeper NG9 gyroscopic stabilisers, which can be installed on re-  piece that was jointly designed by the company and Poltrona Frau
                  quest and were included on the first unit. The fully integrated en-  to celebrate 10 years working in partnership with each other. This
                  gine, navigation and monitoring systems ensure an unprecedent-  incomparable maxi yacht has twin MTU 16V 2,000 M96L engines
                  ed yachting experience in terms of performance and trim optimi-  that generate 2,638 mhp, along with a Top System surface drive
                  zation, as well as total control of the on-board systems, with cus-  system with Rolla surface propellers. The coupé’s performance
                  tomized displays on the monitors. The new joystick functions and   is at the top of its class: it reached a maximum test displacement
                  the surface drive system take the handling capabilities in small   speed of 42 knots, with a range of 370 nautical miles. At a cruis-
                  areas to new heights for surface drive yachts. There is a total of   ing speed of 38 knots, the range increases to 380 nautical miles.

                  Here above, a wonderful view from Pershing 9X cockpit area. Next page, pictures of the interiors of the futuristic yacht: the décor was personalized by
                  the owner, who selected some of the most celebrated signatures in Italian design, creating a veritable masterpiece of the sea.
                  Among the well-renowned brands: Poltrona Frau, Dedon, Flexform, Fendi Casa, Italy Dream Design, CIni&Nils, Antonio Lupi and Ernestomeda for the galley.

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