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                                               MOVIE STAR

                            Riva was one of the stars of the 74th Venice International
                     Film Festival, with a temporary Lounge at the Hotel Excelsior and

                                         a courtesy boat service for guests and VIPs

                                    herever you find the film world, the       gave interviews in this exceptional location, part of which was
                                    jet set and superstars, you will find      furnished  entirely  with  exclusive  items  from  the  Riva  Brand
                                    Riva. From a favourite vessel of di-       Experience. The design of the chairs and tables, the materi-
                                    rectors  and  actors  to  a  courtesy  boat   als used and every little detail demonstrated the artisan qual-
                   W for the most legendary and glamorous                      ity that is a hallmark of the Riva brand and is plain to see in
                  film festival: it was only natural for the most famous boatyard   every historic hull crafted from mahogany, as well as in the
                  around to set sail for the 74th Venice International Film Fes-  contemporary  creations.  Complementing  the  decorative  dis-
                  tival as a partner of the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo. A   play in the Lounge was the refined line of accessories from
                  temporary Riva Lounge inspired by the unique style of these   the Riva Boutique collection, available at
                  legendary yachts was available throughout the festival in Sala   Riva Lounge guests were given a selection of these unique, inimi-
                  Tropicana 1 of the Hotel Excelsior, the famous venue in the   table items as an exclusive gift.  Furthermore, throughout the fes-
                  Lido, which hosted a packed schedule of meetings and events   tival, customers, actors and artists experienced the delights of a
                  organized by the Fondazione Ente dello Spettacolo. VIPs,     marvellous Aquariva: an iconic model that is the heir of the historic
                  guests and the directors and actors of the films in the festival   speedboats of the past and was made available as a courtesy boat.

                  Above, in the bigger picture, the Aquariva Super moored in front of the Hotel Excelsior at the Venice Lido, available as a special courtesy boat
                  for customers, actors and artists for the entire duration of the International Film Festival. Top page, the temporary
                  Riva Lounge inspired by the unique style of the wooded legendary yachts and entirely set with the exclusive décor from the Riva Brand Experience.

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