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                               POLO IN THE ALPS

                                                  WITH RIVA

                    Poroli Special Boats celebrated 40 years of partnership with Riva by

                                     attending for the very first time the 22  edition
                     of the Hublot Polo Gold Cup, one of the most fascinating tournaments

                                            worldwide, in the heart of Switzerland

                           he 22nd Hublot Gold                                                            of famous polo players, includ-
                           Cup is the main event                                                          ing eight professional Argentine
                           of the Swiss sum-                                                              players with handicaps of 5 and
                  T mer season offering                                                                   6: Marcos Heguy, winner of the
                  sport, gastronomy and life-                                                             mythical Argentine Open and a
                  style, one of the most original                                                         true legend of this sport, brothers
                  events and one of the “high-                                                            Eduardo and Francisco Menén-
                  est”, as it is played at an altitude                                                    dez, who won the tournament in
                  of 1,000 meters. In 2017, from                                                          2005, as well as Brazil’s Olavo No-
                  17 to 20 August, the tournament                                                         vaez, and last but not least, Pab-
                  once again welcomed four teams                                                          lo Jauretche, who played on the
                  for four days of sport, conviviali-                                                     Riva team. During the four days,
                  ty and festivities. The sun shone                                                       the tournament welcomed thou-
                  every day, bringing a large num-                                                        sands of guests, who were truly
                  ber of spectators to the Gstaad-Saanen airport field, where all   amazed by the games, the festivities, and the players’ parade that
                  the matches took place. Poroli Special Boats, the exclusive Riva   took place on Friday in the streets of Gstaad. The support by Po-
                  dealer in both Switzerland and Germany, attended the Hublot   roli VIP guests made a difference as, in its first participation, the
                  World Cup as the main sponsor of one of the four teams. The   Riva team reached the final match of the tournament. In front
                  team displayed a beautiful Riva Iseo beside a private lounge fur-  of 4,000 people, it was only during the last minutes that the Ri-
                  nished with Riva Brand Experience items, welcoming guests sup-  va team was defeated and the Banque Eric Sturdza team sealed
                  porting the Riva polo team. The tournament welcomed a number   the deal at 8 to 5. The rematch is already planned for 2018!

                                                               } During the four days,
                                                                   the tournament
                                                              welcomed thousand guests

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