Page 86 - PROTAGONIST 114
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                   THE GIANT IS GROWING

                      The strong character of the new M/Y CRN 137 62M takes shape

                                   hen it majestically plies the waves, it     ceeded on placement of the other superstructures, on installing
                                   will be natural to tip your hat to this     the utility systems and on preparing the yacht for installation of
                                   gentle giant of the sea - the new CRN co-   the furnishings. The layout of the new yacht includes five decks,
                                   lossus that is steadily approaching its     the owner’s suite and five VIP cabins that can host up to 12 guests.
                   W launch date, day after day. The M/Y CRN                   In particular, the aft-facing owner’s suite is in a marvellous position
                  137 is 62 metres long and has a beam of 11.50 metres. It was de-  on the upper deck, which has become the owner’s deck. This deck
                  signed by CRN’s Engineering Department, and Italian design stu-  features a forward panoramic lounge that the owner can choose to
                  dio Nuvolari Lenard developed the concept and the design of the   open up to guests or keep private. CRN is the shipyard and histor-
                  exteriors and interiors. This super yacht is distinguished by crisp,   ic Italian brand of the Ferretti Group specialized in the construc-
                  flowing lines that accommodate the wind and one’s gaze, and by the   tion of 40 to 100 metre- pleasure vessels in steel and aluminium,
                  vertical design of the bow, which maximises both speed and space.   which can be customised in every possible way. It is creating anoth-
                  Shipyard operations are relentlessly continuing.  After the hull was   er masterpiece of nautical craftsmanship and art - a ship that will
                  handled with part of the superstructure already in place, work pro-  further raise CRN’s already high standards of yachting pleasure.

                  New M/Y 137 62m has been engineered by CRN’s Ancona-based Technical Department and designed by the Italian firm Nuvolari Lenard,
                  who took care of exterior concept and interior design. Classical lines have been replaced by the
                  unmistakable all-Italian style of Nuvolari Lenard, revealing the beauty and the armony of her lines that seem to be shaped by the wind.

               86  PROTAGONIST / N. 114

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